Viewing profile - Rowan Hume

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Rowan Hume
Rowan Hume
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
South Africa. Suid-Afrika. Mzani. The Rainbow Nation. Numerous names for the same land.

For Rowan Hume the land carried a simpler name: Home. Born to wealthy South African farmers, Rowan was the youngest of four and had possessed neither his father’s agricultural intuition nor his older brother’s financial acumen. He’d walked off the estates at eighteen and joined the Army.

Soldier. Soldier of Fortune. Capitalist. Mercenary. Numerous names for the same man.

He'd seen all kinds in both the military and contractor world. Those that served because they believed in the flag, those that wanted to make the world a better place, gain an opportunity, chase an adrenaline high…all kinds. But he’d realized, for himself, it’d quickly become about the money and what that money bought.

Security. Influence. Options. Power. Numerous names for the same goal.

No more swimming with Great Whites in the Cape’s shark infested waters, Rowan prowled an even more dangerous sea and thrived as an apex predator alongside and among the other sharks. There, in that world, he'd come to be known as a man who could get things done, procure even the most difficult and dangerous wares, track down those who didn’t want to be found and erase those that garnered too much of the wrong kind of attention. If the money was right...the job was right.

Rowan navigated the minefield that was as illegal as it was lucrative with a light step, a gambler’s grin and a hair-trigger all-in push. His blended and unique elocution traversed The Great Trichotomy of native accents and foreign languages with streetwise slang or cultivated prestige with ease and it allowed him to negotiate with criminals and politicians alike...when they weren't one and the same thing.

The goal always remained the same no matter the land, the uniform or the price: Get in, Get paid, Get out and never…-never- get caught.
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