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Post by JC »

“Your presence was missed.”


“I’m sorry I punched your previous holder in the throat?”

She has bigger problems to worry about than a silly throat punch.

“Oh yeah? Like what?”


“Okay, none of my business. That’s cool. I’m glad to have you back.”

I would be lying if I said I was not pleased to return to your hands. Though…

“Though it’s not quite right without your pair.”

Not what I said.

“You know it’s true. Especially after being with Charlie and I for a year. Then I’m sure while they arranged tournaments for the pair of you that there was plenty of sibling bonding time. And then Andrea and that Lilith chick are a thing, right? So, you’re back together again.”


“See, I’m right… and… there’s the matter of Charlie…”

What of him?

“He needed this far more than I do… but… I don’t know what to do now. That was kind of my last ditch effort.”

Perhaps it isn’t as hopeless as you might think…

“Oh? Do tell…”
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Post by JC »

It has returned.

"It has."

You don't sound... pleased.

"I... I don't know what I am."

It is what you wanted.

"Is it?"

One must always be careful what we wish for.

"I didn't wish for this..."

Didn't you though?

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