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Re: Journal

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:15 pm
by Sjira
Before sleep this night, a few words are put to these pages to be read again some other day.

Trygg was ridden to the seaside beach. It is not the one with the black sands, but it is just as beautiful. While running Trygg, others were seen already at the beach, around a firepit with food and drinks. It is thought perhaps it was another of the gatherings posted on the message boards at the Red Dragon Inn as well as other boards through the city and lands, but it was missed.

It was a wonderful surprise. Kruger was there with a resting Rekah. Droet and Maggie, as well. Two others were there: one called Sal and another by the name of Gatito. They have been seen in passing, but are not known and have not had their company before. All there seemed light of heart and there was plenty of food.

These are times when others are remembered, often seen at the inn, meadows, docks, rings and more. But there is effort to push away any sadness. These last couple of years have been good ones. Full of travelling, of keeping company with friends and new-made friends.

One last thing to put to page, the one called Angel gifted sewing box. It was left with a note in the mending basket at the inn. What a surprise! A very nice one from this kind near-found friend. It will often be used.

Re: Journal

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:00 pm
by Sjira
A wonderful time was had at an event last night at a place called the Crystal Chasm. This place has never been visited before. The cavern was decorated with a lot of color, tables and chairs, food and music. A dress made by these hands was worn with a lot of color in it.

There was a great surprise last night. Tasslehofl was not expected but he arrived. Company was kept with him. He seems well and content to sit and speak. This heart is always lighter to see him. Only a very little has ever been known about him and his past but he had never brought harm. There is something about him that pulls and draws in a gentle way. A hug from Maggie was received! Unexpected but not at all unwelcomed.

Several were at the dance event last night. Dris, Rhys, Droet, Kruger, Rekah and others. Names are being learned. Of some of them, only their faces and their names are familiar, two were much better known, and two others were not known atall. Time spent helps in all of this.

A walk was taken with Tasslehofl after the dance and food event at the cavern to speak some more. It can only be hoped he will be seen again soon if he can endure that sometimes these lips talk too much and in other moments words are not found atall.

Re: Journal

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 3:03 pm
by Sjira
The beach was visited again last night. Food, music and company were had.

Time was spent with Amaris and a little with Maggie. Amaris taught these hands how to make "smores". It is thought an odd name but they are delicious with sweet crackers, chocolate and a white, foamy, squishy thing called a marshmallow. A very good dessert tasted twice!

It was a night for those who came to the gathering to burn away bad memories to rid a person of that weight. Nothing by these hands were cast to the bonfire last night. Perhaps next year a string of bells or something else.

Re: Journal

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:45 pm
by Sjira
For a few weeks or more, an effort has been made to be more around others instead of travelling, working, or keeping to self within the wall of this home and cottage with just the animals for company.

Many new faces have been seen at the beach, caverns, rings, and the Red Dragon Inn. Courage against the fear of magicks was even braved with a visit to the Twighlight Isle. A very kind woman seemed to drawn on magick and put it into a diamond stone to help keep the overwhelming amount of magicks there from being felt so heavily on this flesh. The woman's name is Anya and she is known by the one called Angel. At the rings and the inn, Kruger has been seen. He looks very strong and happy. He speaks of children! This alone tells that too long this one has kept to self. Perhaps one day a husband and a child for me. But after so long, it is something the gods must be greatly against.

Most walk the path of the new ways with gadgets and horseless ways of travel. Some of the skill of those magicks and others do not. And so many that were once known have died or left the area. Perhaps these eyes will see them again. It is quietly and often hoped.

Even Tasslehofl has been seen by these eyes a couple of times. How it lightens and eases this heart to know he lives. And Icer the blue dragon was seen!

Three others, most powerful in their presence and ways about them, have been met and kept small bouts of company with. They are called Emiana and Gregor Vasilios. They are brother and sister to each other and seem powerful in wealth, tall, and something more. The Lady speaks of wine and The Lord speaks of antiques. The third is one who can be like Panther on two legs or full mystical creature of a large black cat on four legs. Her name is Skia. Though these lips have not dared the questions yet, eyes have seen scars about Skia's neck and her nails are gone at her fingerstips. Some very bad happened to her but is kind. The Lord seemed distant in his last visit to the inn. A gift will be made for him with hope to lighten the weight that seems to be on his heart, mind, or soul.

Re: Journal

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:37 pm
by Sjira
The morning hour is very early as this is written before heading to dockside to help the fishermen with the mending of the nets.

Company has been kept recently with the one called Gregor Vasilios, sister to the Lady named Emiana. Very unexpected, he asked for us to get to know each other better and to even court. A lot is not known about the Lord but it seemed best to keep company before courting is fully a thing to decide on. A heart cannot help but lighten to have him ask. He has not done anything harmful or frightening. There is want to know him better and further. It is only hoped that it is not something his sister does not disapprove of the attempt.