Shipments Manager

Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Shipments Manager

Post by Anne »

After assuring Azjah that she could handle this shipment Anne went back to her office. Taking a good half hour to move things around to her liking Anne settled down. The first thing she had to do was take a look at what personnel she was going to use. Liking the looks of Alfred Gregony, Sheila Bohock and Ralph Gezt she sent a message to the three of the upcoming assignment. However, she also wanted to use someone she trusted, someone who knew the area a bit better then herself.


Mackenzie, Mac for short, took one look at Anne and gave a crooked smile. "I'm still single y'know."

Laughing Anne sat down across from him. "Mac, I'm going to get right to the point. I need some help. I've got a shipment that I need to deliver, and I was wondering if you could help me ... escape some customs."

A smug grin grew on Macs face. "Sure thing darlin'.


It was 7:00 and Anne had just finished the delivery. The shipment was successful with no interruptions. Mac had gotten them past customs smoothly, and she couldn't have asked for better staffing. With a quick look at her watch she announced it was time to head out. After arriving back at the Palazzo and finishing up business it was time to drop by the arenas.
Anne Ellis Feren
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First Successes

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Anne had managed her first successful shipment, and I am feeling more and more confident in her abilities. The next shipment would be bigger, and the risks higher, but I don't believe they are any worse than she'd faced in her life previously. At least on this side of things, she wouldn't likely be shot on sight.

Leaving a memo on her desk, I noted she'd done some remodeling. Good, hopefully I can keep her challenged enough to induce her to stay.

Shipment 37-9540724-AC needs to be delivered without incident to the client. Please advise when delivery is complete. Use what ever means you deem appropriate.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Anne »

Nodding to those she passed Anne walked into the office in the early hours of the morning. Having just finished her work out and was ready for any task ahead of her. With a spark in her eye she read the memo on her desk. When her eyes meet the delivery code she pulled up what the shipment was. Dangerous...very dangerous. Big shipment, quite big. A smile grew on her face. All she needed was the threat of being shot on sight and it would be just like the old days.

For this shipment she'd need a slightly different crew. Alfred Gregony she'd keep. He had a good build, could help them get out of a scrap. He was also good at getting past certain guards. Sheila Bohock would also come along, her skills with getting past codes, security checks, and traps were invaluable. However, she'd need someone with persuasion in that area, someone who get be a good distraction, someone like Robyn.

Sure Robyn had helped her get the boat...but she had also promised to keep an eye out for things. Well, it was time to for Robyn to show her skills. Robyns blonde hair, thing figure and soft looks were enough to make any mission a success.

She sent a notice to Robyn in a way fellow pirates had. Robyn would arrive at the time of the delivery and then it would be time to get down to business.


Anne stood at a corner, about five blocks away from the delivery sight. Sheila and Alfred were getting edgy, this close to customs and no sign of Robyn. Through the darkness Anne spotted a dark figure coming her way. Sheila visibly tensed up and Alfred rolled up his sleeves. She however smiles and gets into the car, Robyn quickly got in the other side. Alfred and Sheila got into the vehicles that were being used for delivery. Show time.


The swift hand flew over the paper giving a finalized report. They had run into a bit of trouble at first when Robyn wasn't getting anywhere, but with Sheilas help Anne and Alfred were able to slip through customs and deliver successfully. Robyn probably wouldn't be able to give Anne the same help next time, but her reputation would remain solid. As long as Robyn kept a low profile for the next couple of months they'd forget all about her. The client received the shipment smoothly, no one knew a thing. Taking a final look at the page long report Anne dropped it off for Azjah to take a look at. That was two so far, and Anne was just waiting for the more dangerous stuff.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

Anne looked at the shipment again. And again. And again. It was by far the most unstable territory yet. Two lives had been lost on previous deliveries, over half the shipments stolen by rebels on numerous occasions and at least $300 000 in damages accumulated over the years. Anne had been charged with making this mission a success. So success it would be. She needed her wits, a trusted crew, and a tactic like none other. She looked at the shipment again.

Deciding that it would be neccessary to take a look at her crew once again she pulled out the roster. Beside each name was their ranking, specific position, and some hand-written notes by herself.

Rankings, Least to Most: Novice, Assistant, Junior, Senior, Lieutenant, Captain (Anne)

Alfred Gregony - Senior, Transportation. Good for defence and forced entry, look-out, and heavy transport.
Sheila Bohock - Lieutenant, Sabatoge. Excellent work with codes, security checks and by-passing traps.
Ralph Gezt - Assistant, Field Work Steady, dependable, look-out.
Karen Emisdioul - Junior, Security
Trwilyn Roul - Novice, Transportation
Arnold Winvely - Lieutenant, Security
Dix Zartin - Novice, Sabatoge
Xiria Quinzt - Senior, Field Work

That was the most basic form of the roster she had to work with. Of course she had added on Robyn for Security and Mac for Sabatoge. Looking at more detailed reports Anne finally chose her crew. In this situation she decided that stealth would be better then force.

Xiria Quinzt, Arnold Winvely, and Sheila Bohock. Upon looking at her crew she realized that she still needed to borrow somone from the weapons department. Someone who knew the guns, who had been on delivery before and who she knew personally from years back.



Nathaniel, commonly referred to as Nat, looked up as he heard his door being knocked upon. "Come in."

The sliding door slip open and Anne walked in briskly sitting on the chair infront of his desk. She was wearing a new outfit, silk black dress pants, a white long sleeve shirt, slightly flared at the wrists. Her red hair was combed in a way that softened her usually hard face. Nat's smile was unmistakable, she'd seen it many times before.

"It's my something-more-then-a-sister." He teased her like they always did. They had been good friends, more then friends, for a long time. He had been a cabin-boy on the pirate ship while she was the cooks assistant. The two had been best friends, but slowly they had drifted away. Now they found each other working together. He was married, but he always had a special place for her in his heart.

Chuckly softly Anne made light conversation for a while. Then Nat got down to business, like always. "Now Anne, I'm sure you didn't come here for just some light chit-chat. What's on your mind?"

"Nat, you know Shipment 39?" Nat visibly straightend hearing the shipment mentioned. It had no other title, just 39. All other shipments were followed by a series of numbers, letters, and codes. This one wasn't. "Well, I'm not going to have casualties, lost weaponry, or any sort of damages. It *has* to be a success. I would like you come along. I need your expertise in the weapons, in the territory, in the rebels as well as your help in planning a strategy."

Nats eyes scanned her, emotionless and stiff. He rememberd the area well. The number of times he had gone there made him sick. Twice he was there to witness his comrades die at the hands of the rebels. At least a dozen times did he witness the shipments stolen. And more then once was he injured. It was because of those shipments he left the department and transferred to weapons. Now he was being asked to go again.

"Nat, please?"

His eyes shifted down to his paperwork and back up at her imploring face. "You better have a good plan or I'll send you to Davey Jones locker."

She smiled at him, the threat was serious but the humour was there. Nodding her thanks she left and made the plans. This one would be exceptional.


9:45pm: Anne lay down at Rutherfords Bluff, the shipments were less then a 100 yards away from her. Still no sign of Xiria. She had left at 8:00 to scout the area for rebellion groups, traps, and a good route through. Anne was starting to get edgy. Nat sat alone at the small fire in the hole they had dug. Arnold and Sheila were sitting with the weapons keeping an eye out for anything unsual. It would be a very long night. As long as the shipment was in by 6 the next morning there would be no problems.

12:24am: Nat shook Anne awake. She had just gone to bed after her shift. 11:00-12:00 night watch. Her suggestion of course, just incase Xiria took a while. When she sat up the first thing she saw was Sheila mending Xirias arm. "What happened?!" she demanded of Xiria.

"I found three rebel groups, all of 'em different. After close investigation I discovered the directions they were heading. They were all using electronic maps, so I reprogrammed them all and led them to the same spot. I waited for them to get on the move, making sure they left at the right times. They met up sure enough and had a bit of a feud. No one was winning so they decided to break off. While one of the groups were leaving someone spotted me, didn't recognize me so they assumed I was a spy following them. Shot me in the arm, I fell down and feigned death. He was a bad shot but belived he'd killed me. Anyway, I know where they've headed and I've got us a clean path straight to delivery site."

Anne cussed softly under her breath. She sent Nat to get Arnold, it was time to get this delivery underway.

1:00am: Nat and Xiria had gotten into a disagreement. Nat was positive that a hidden ambush site was up ahead, Xiria said they had past it. The argument got to the point that Anne had to reprimand them both. Everyones nerves were just about shot. Arnold said that he agreed with Nat and so did Sheila, Anne was inclined to follow the majority. They carefully went up ahead. Sheila and Nat went and scouted the area. When they returned and Anne was about to move the shipments up ten bodies dropped down out of the trees and surrounded them. A tall figure made its way out of the shadows.

"If it isn't our most beloved shipment team. Whose in charge this time? Clifton? Andrea? Marley? Or wait...could it be Nathaniel?!" The voice had mockery written all over it. Clifton and Marley were dead, by his hands no doubt. Andrea had retired years ago and she was pretty that it had to do with a certain amount of torture during a shipment such as this.

"Ronald. What a pleasure." Nathaiels voice was dry but solid.

Anne had heard about Ronald, she was hoping that if it was doomed for her to meet some rebels that it wouldn't be Ronald. Stepping forward she pulled out her pistol. "I'm the shipments manager, and I suggest you leave."

As soon as her weapon had been drawn, so did the rest of the team draw theirs, as well as the opposing rebels. Ronald pulled out his own weapon of choice and aimed it right for her. "Well then young lady, take the opportunity to learn. In this neck of the woods I'm the one in charge. Now why don't you just hand us over those fine weapons you've got stored and I'll leave you in one piece."

Taking a solid look at him she decided he was worth a try at her mock seduction technique. Tossing her plasma pistol to the ground near Nat she slowly began to unbutton her shirt. "What if I gave you a little something, would you leave?"

The temptation was unmistakable in Ronalds eyes, and the disbelief was in Nats. Some of the men around began to lower their weapons, Ronald became a bit more relaxed. "What do you have to offer?" He said, a little too knowingly.

"Only this..." she reached into her shirt and pulled out her old boomerang she had used in the Dueling League. Throwing it at him faster then you could say 'Bang' Ronalds weapon was disloged into the bushes and the boomerang was back in her hand. The rest of the crew took this opportunity to disarm the rest of the rebels using guns, brute force, or whatever it took. The rebels of course faught back, one ran and picked up her pistol and shot it at her. Taking a nasty hit in the side she turned around pulling out a revolver from the inside of her jacket and returned the favor.

After they had finished there lay three severly injured rebels, and the rest had fled. Arnold had taken a shot to the foot, Sheila had gotten into a bad fists fight, Nat was for the most part unharmed and Xiria had defended off the shipments pretty well. Anne herself was ripping off a piece of her shirt and tieing it around her waist were the gun wound had passed through the side. Zipping up her jacket Anne managed her way back to the shipments. It was time to get these delivered.

2:00am: "$@#% NAT! I'm OKAY!" Nat shook his head while patching her up. Arnold and Sheila were making the final transactions with the reciepient of the weapons. The rest of the trip had gone smoothly, it wasn't until Anne had sat down exhausted from lose of blood that Nat figured out she was injured. She had always been stubborn, to the point of killing herself. It seemed Nat was always the one to bring her back to life. She cursed again at Nat as he cleaned the wound and patched it up as best he could.

"Anne, if you don't shut up the rebels are gonna come back and finish you up." She huffed at his reprimand but remained silent. "All done. You'll have to go the medical wing when we get back. And don't make such a fuss! Besides, Azjah will finish you off anyway when she hears about this."

4:00am: Anne laid down on her soft bed, trying to get comfortable. Her side was wrapped up so tight she felt like a half-buried mummy. Oh well, no one had died, the shipment remained intact and there was probably about $50 in damages at most. What was one injury right? She had had worse. At any rate, this would not improve her dueling.
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Written in Blood

Post by Anne »

Arnold and Trwilyn were late. It was Lyns first time doing a shipment with Anne and she was NOT impressed. It had been bad enough when Dix had fouled up the sabotage and Anne had to cover for him, but now they were having a late shipment. Deciding to take matters into her own hands Anne moved up with Dix. Four people should've been able to handle this one. It was simple really. Go into Tri'zak, a reasonably solid area, get past customs, make the delivery, and go home.

Upon reaching the delivery spot Anne cursed under her breath. Tire marks, blood stains, and the shipment turned over.

"DIX! Check the shipment, see if it's intact!"

Nodding, but scared dead, he hurried to the shipment and started working out the numbers and checking everything. Anne did a sweep of the area. She saw shells...a dropped pistol...and some clothing torn of on a branch. Kneeling down she scanned the ground. Someone was tossed the ground, they kicked the other off their feet and there was a lot of rolling around. That's all she could make of it.

"It's all there Miss Xile, some damaged but otherwise solid. It seems they weren't after the shipment."

"Pack up the shipment and get it covered in the bushes. We're going to see who decided to mess with my delivery."

Quickly packing up the shipment, the two them followed the tracks and blood marks. Dix pointed out that a couple bodies were dragged. If it was Arnold and Trwilyn then Anne was gonna shoot somebody.

"Miss...look..." Dix pointed to a nearby tree. What Anne saw made her eyes harden and her mind cuss 200 words per minute.

Trwilyn was hanging by her feet from a tree branch. Her shirt ripped so that it covered the bare minimum. Gagged and blindfolded, Anne couldn't tell if she was alive. Hurrying over to her she saw something else. "supporter of our nemesis, beware" was written on Trwilyns stomach in blood. Whose, she could not tell. Trwilyn had no that made her assume Arnold.

"Dix, help me get her down." Anne ripped of the gag and blindfold, then the two of them worked carefully to bring Trwilyn down. She was unconscious. Alive, but unconscious. Upon further inspection they noticed she had taken a severe blow to the head. "Dix, stay with Trwilyn. Call for aid from the Palazzo. I'm going to find Arnold."

"Miss, you sure that's safe?"

Anne gave him a cold look. "You would learn well to not question my authority, especially at a time like this."

Heading onward Anne saw the tracks, there was blood and a body being dragged. Thoughts, ideas and questions raced through her mind. Caution was her aid, and secrecy her friend. She paused hearing a voice in a clearing up ahead. Moving closer she saw Arnold tied up to a stake, muttering incoherently. Numerous whip marks on his chest, cuts across his wrists. Hurrying to his aid she knelt down and untied him gently.

"Arnold...calm down."

His muttering was frantic, his body weak. Then she noticed. He had been blinded. His eyes burned out from the sockets.


Anne sat in her office. Stone-hard face, emotionless eyes, cold hands. They had received back up from the Palazzo. Trwilyn was unconscious still, being treated, but unable to reveal any information. Arnold wouldn't speak, normally a quiet person but now mute with fear. He would never see again.

A simple shipment...she must've gotten overconfident. Who would do such a thing? Dix and herself had delivered the shipment without further disruption, but the warning had been clear.

She would have to see Azjah. There was no going around it. The bonus she had received from the previous shipment had not been used yet, and it would remain unused. Anne was a pirate, but she wasn't about to accept a reward after failing so miserably.

Hoping Azjah was in a forgiving mood Anne left the office.
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Saar'tzee Rebels

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Note arriving from the Palazzo in Azjah's personal penmanship....

The Saar'tzee rebels are, as you have discovered, a vicious group who will stop at nothing to further their cause. They have targeted a number of merchants that aid and assist in keeping the military government in power, as they see it. Food manufacturers, pharmaceutical makers, clothing makers, and yes, arms manufactureres are on their list of "enemies" to their cause because we deal with the rightful government and not with them. This attack on your team is evidence of the reasons I will not deal with them. To willingly put guns in their hands would be a crime beyond imagining. Unfortunately, I only know the apparent leader's name, but finding them is like seeking a specific atom in the make up of a star. They melt into the countryside like wraiths. The spokesman, and apparent leader's name is Raavich.
I have set up a trust fund for your two team members. I know that won't take away what has happened to them, but perhaps it will help get them taken care of properly.
Watch yourself and your teams Anne. These animals do not care who they hurt, nor how badly they hurt us, as long as they CAN hurt us.
If you need additional resources, let me know as soon as you recognize a need.

Baroness Azjah Telyria Danaan von Drachen Walde"
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Priceless Offer

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Storming into Nats office she waved the paper around. "WHAT is THIS?!"

Raising his eyebrows slightly he replied calmly "I thought you'd be pleased."

The paper in question was a request to transfer to her department. She remembered clearly his threat when she had requested his assistance. Now he was offering to join the team? It didn't make sense. Like always. "Pleased...from a business, sensible standpoint? Yes. You've got experience, you're good at what you do and all that sort of crap but WHY?! I thought you transferred from my department for a reason?" Exasperated she leaned on his desk, arms crossed.

Nats smile had a hint of humour as she spoke "Well, you've just lost two, almost three, of your crew. You could replace them with rookies but what you need is experience. I have that. Besides, working with you gave me the sort of thrill that we had about ten-twelve years back."

Boring holes into his conscious she muttered her answer. "Fine."

Grinning he stood up and gave her a hug. "C'mon, you need me and you know it. And don't worry about Marilyn, I've already talked to her about it."

Marilyn. She knew his wife well enough and didn't want to be the one to tell her that Nat had died. Shaking her head Anne signed the form and shoved it at him. "If you get killed...I'm gonna shoot myself."


4:00am - Anne sat in the van with Nat, Karen and Alfred were in the truck beside them. To the normal bystander the two vehicles looked abandoned. This was one of the rare simple jobs that Anne had. All they had to do was wait here with the shipment. Passing customs was a cinch, no need to worry about security, and no run-ins with any rebels.

4:30am - "Stay Away From Elephants," The voice that whispered to Nat while leaning on the truck was harsh. It was an odd password, but the one that had been sent.

"As We Are Young." Nat finished the sentenced. Anne stepped out of the van and helped unload the cargo from their vehicle to his. The transfer was swift and Karen took care of the payment.

5:00am - "See? I didn't get killed."

Anne laughed, they were driving back to the Palazzo and Nat had been relentless. Intent on proving he was going to be okay he took every opportunity to remind her no one had died. "No, you didn't."

She parked the vehicle and the four crew members went back to their separate residences.
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Big shipment

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The negotiations were completed, and production orders needed to be entered at the plant. The documents arrived via computer from the Palazzo to Drachen Walde Industries.

Order: AK 44821 - C55 V
Customer: Government of Tunpai
Delivery Date: 4/30/05
Order Date: 4/15/05

Part# Qty
DI00045E 500
DI80125B 125
DI00010T 1000

Certificates for all DI80125B's to be sent by ASN before shipment.

Usual customs concerns to be avoided.

((Note to Anne under separate email:
Anne, please advise if you need assistance with the volume of this order, or a team to support you.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Anne »

The delivery went as smoothly as could be. It had been herself, Nathaniel, and Karen. She couldn't have asked for a smoother shipment. It had been odd hours though, from 1am in the morning to 1pm in the afternoon. Simple, but long. After she had finished Anne decided to make a few edits to her roster...

Rankings, Least to Most: Novice, Assistant, Junior, Senior, Lieutenant, Captain (Anne)

Alfred Gregony - Senior, Transportation. Good for defence and forced entry, look-out, and heavy transport.
Sheila Bohock - Lieutenant, Sabatoge. Excellent work with codes, security checks and by-passing traps.
Ralph Gezt - Assistant, Field Work Steady, dependable, look-out.
Karen Emisdioul - Junior, Security. Handels orders quickly and efficiently
Dix Zartin - Novice, Sabatoge
Xiria Quinzt - Senior, Field Work
Nathaniel Soratin - Reinstated Lieutenant. Handles any situation, stubborn, keeps his cool, enormous past experience.

After updating the roster Anne decided it was time to get a good nights sleep.
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Hopping into the jeep beside Alfred and Nat, Anne drove them out of RhyDin. Sheila would be handling all the minor deliveries for the next two days. It was time to get this particular shipment on the way. The ride to Darlit was long and boring. All the way there it was plain, flat, dreary, pointless countryside. Of course, Nat kept them amused with corny jokes and his old pick-up lines.

Upon arriving at Darlit the next night things got more interesting. Alfred was silent as Nat took a quick scan of the area. Wandering customs was something they couldn't bypass. Through all this Anne was sleeping, she didn't have to worry about Nats capabilities. After plotting the best route and arriving at the back entrance Nat whispered quietly to her. "Okay, rest time over. Time to bypass customs."

Anne awoke, quickly made herself presentable, exited the jeep and headed over to customs. "One delivery, Government Issue, 35420."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know that delivery. You'll have to specify." The young man at the desk couldn't have been older then twenty, and he had an underlying attitude.

Leaning closer so she was almost nose-to-nose with him Anne replied. "Give me headquarters then please."

The man at the desk looked her over and smugly retorted "Phone number, address, and a date."

Sighing Anne handed over the false number, address. The idiot didn't even check to see if it was liable, or threaten her if it wasn't. "We'll put you through to headquarters, one moment please."

It was standard procedure, make them think it's an order from the Government, get someone on the inside to bypass security checks then make the delivery to the rebels. "Government Customs Headquarters, who is your contact?"

"Charleston Apex."

There was a brief pause, a click and then a deep male voice. "Charleston here, what's the delivery number?"



Alfred and Nat unloaded the delivery while Anne signed the proper forms. After making sure everything was clear they headed back to RhyDin.
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Rigel - Day 1-2

Post by Anne »

Sunday, May 8th - Departure

Anne had finished up gathering all her materials and the research required for such a trip. It was going to be a long delivery, and it would also be the most foreign. Her experience extended to pirates of the seas, and some smugglers on land. Space pirates...that was another story. She was familiar with technology in all its forms but when it came to flying amidst the stars, she needed an expert for that.

Azjah had provided her with an additional team of three for piloting, weapons control, and engineering. Anne had chosen from her own roster Nat (he was the only other person to have visited Rigel), Xiria, and Karen. The first day’s flight remained uneventful; Anne adapted quickly to her surroundings and soon found herself enjoying the ride.

Monday, May 9th - Day 2

It would be another day before the ship arrived at the asteroid belt. Anne was deep in her studies when a knock announced an unexpected arrival. “Come in” she said, looking up to greet her visitor. Lo’ and behold it was Nat. Not that much of a surprise for her, but it did warrant a raised eyebrow. “Something wrong?” She asked inquisitively.

“Not at all, come to check up on you. You’ve been locked in here for hours.”

“I’m looking over my notes about the pirates that roam the asteroid belt.” Anne showed him her quick jot-notes. “I’m looking for a pattern, if you recall, Captain Burly said that the key to a pirates weakness is within the pattern. If you look at the raw data there is no pattern to be found.”

“Burly also said that you’ve got to get inside the Captains head.”

“Exactly! A motive. I haven’t found anything clear-cut but I think the lack of pattern is the pattern. Look at the targets, they range from food and weapon supplies to abductions and assassinations. I believe they have a larger goal in mind, though I’m not quite sure what. Though I’m almost positive that we are on the target list.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Think about it, we are the first shipment to come from RhyDin with a new weapon not even on the Rigel market.”

“The perfect opportunity for any space pirate.”
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Rigel - Threats

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The ship came into the star field and everyone was on edge. Anne paced in front of the viewing screen while Nat was unusually silent. It would take most of the day to get through the asteroid belt and Anne wasn't going to let her guard down.

"Ma'am, we've got a ship approaching." Karen looked up the identification. "No known identification, it seems to be a patrol ship though."

"We're four days away from Rigel and far beyond their boundaries. I doubt a patrol ship comes out this far," commented Nat.

"Perhaps they're scouting for the space pirates?" Suggested Xiria.

Anne remained silent.

"They're hailing us," Karen reported.

Anne nodded to Karen and the voice message was given access. "This is Patrol Ship Beta from Rigel, state your name and purpose or be submitted to a boarding party."

Nat motioned to mute their end of the line. Walking up to Anne he spoke quietly. "Patrol Ship Beta was reported lost two weeks ago, they haven't been found."

"We also receive transmissions one week late from Rigel. How do you know they haven't been recovered?" Xiria's point was valid but Anne remained unsteady.

Nodding to Karen the connection was reinstated. "My name is Captain Anne Xile, we are a supply ship from RhyDin. Our destination is Rigel, you should've been informed."

"We were informed, and we've also been given orders to board your ship and inspect the cargo."

With a quick motion of her hand Anne muted the transmission again. Looking at Chris she spoke slowly. "I don't believe that is in procedure is it?"

Shifting slightly the pilot answered her. "Not regularly, but their has been times when we've had to submit to a security check. Though they usually warn us ahead of time."

Once again the transmission was made clear. "We would've been informed of such procedure. On whose authority do you make such claims?"

The voice at the other end replied calmly. "The government of Rigel."

"Under whose authority." Anne knew that there would've been a specific individual that would have authenticated the order.

"I am not able to disclose such information, prepare to be bordered. I will carry out my orders, even if it is by force."

Nat whispered to Anne quietly while motioning to mute the signal. "In such a case patrols would escort the ship to Rigel and have someone from the planet deal with the situation. I'm suspicious." Karen once again unblocked the signal.

"Sir, I do not believe you have permission to do so. Procedure is not being followed and therefore I will not submit to being boarded. If you find it necessary you may escort us to Rigel."

"That is not an option." The voice was growing impatient and Anne was fully prepared to run. The supply ship had ample weaponry, but it would not survive a full out fight. The signal was cut off from the patrols end. Turning on her heel Anne looked straight at the pilot.

"Get us out of here. Now."

Before Chris could reply they took a hit to the starboard bow. It was at that point Anne knew it was the galactic pirates. A patrol ship would never fire on a cargo ship. "Adam! Fire back, just hit their weaponry. I don't care if they can out run us, but I don't want them able to out fire us!"

With a quick response Adam fired to the patrols port bow. A series of shots were returned from the galactic pirates. “Ma’am! We’re being boarded!” Anne turned around to see Karen pressing numerous controls.

“Well stop them! Chris, maneuver us around them. Adam, fire towards their starboard aft and knock out the weapons.”

Xiria headed towards the boarding dock and stopped the docking sequence with a series of panel commands. Anne went to a different systems control and began setting up a risky procedure. “Nat, get down to the engine and help Sharria boost our systems with a Epsermial liquid pump.”

“Anne! That could blow our engines instantaneously for over a week!” Nat was worried about Anne’s rational, but she had done her research.

“I talked it over with Sharria, just DO it.”

Adam and Chris worked together to blow out the rest of the patrol ships weaponry but Xiria was having trouble keeping the pirates out of the ship. Hurrying over to help her Anne heard a transmission come over. “Miss Anne Ellis Xile, before you leave, I have a message for you. The Black Bird has risen from the ashes.”

As the ship flew off with a sudden burst of speed Anne stood stone still, struck with fear.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Rigel - A Death Sentence

Post by Anne »

They arrived at Rigel without further incident, and were in fact almost three days ahead of schedule due to the burst of speed. Anne had spent most of the time in her office contemplating the same phrase over and over again.

The Black Bird has risen from the ashes.

The threat was not directed towards Azjah, of that she was sure. It was a phrase that hit her and hit her hard. She had discussed it with Nat, and both were concerned.

The Black Bird was an old captain that the two of them, plus Robyn, had served under. He was known to everyone as Captain Black, but he had told the trio his original name was Shadem Black. They had arranged a mutiny against him and plotted to kill him. The three friends had been under the impression that Black Bird was dead.

Black Bird had sworn revenge on them before they saw his ship rise up in flames.


Those were his last words.

Nat and her both agreed he was responsible for Robyn’s murder. Well, that would be the last throat he slit.

When they arrived at Rigel and made the shipment it was agreed to leave as soon as possible. This time, however, Anne would be taking a passenger. A messenger from Kaiser Joachim was requesting a conference with Azjah. It would take four days to reach that dreaded asteroid belt and Anne savored the peace.


The ship had appeared out of nowhere, taken three good shots at their weapons, engine, and navigation systems, and then sent a transmission. "We request the presence of Anne Ellis Xile and Nathaniel Mersuke immediately!"

Anne refused promptly then got a nasty string of words and this warning. "If you don't, we will fire again." Anne cut off the transmission.

"Brace yourselves!"

The galactic pirates shot another round and then disappeared. It had done more damage then Anne thought possible. All the systems were going haywire and Anne knew that they needed to get out of here ASAP.


"Ma'am, I can't! The navigation controls aren't responding!"

Sharria came up from the engine room coughing. "Miss, the engines blown and theirs a plasmic leak down there. If we don't get it fixed within five minutes we're going to blow up like a propane tank on fire."

Anne’s face went chalk white. "Is there any way to fix it safely?" The plasma was radioactive and toxic. A death sentence in more ways the one.

"No ma'am, and I don't even know how to stop this leak. It requires a special course that isn't something I was trained with."

Anne looked at Nat. "You took all the engineering-special courses didn't you?" Nat nodded solemnly. "You can fix it right?"

Sharria looked bewildered at Anne. "He'll die ma'am! There’s a two percent chance of living, and even then severe brain damage is almost guaranteed!"

"Nat," she choked "I need you...I need you to go do it."

Anne watched him hurry off and that was all she saw, for an explosion behind her knocked her out cold.



Anne's eyes fluttered open as she lay on her bed. She was stiff and her head was sore but that was it. Nat! Where is he? Did he survive?

"Anne, oh thank goodness you're awake!" Xiria's concerned face looked down on her.

"Xiria. We made it."

Xiria nodded with a slight smile. "That we did, we'll be arriving in RhyDin within five hours."

Five hours? She must've been out for a good two days then. "Xiria...where's Nat?"

Anne watched Xiria's face from a deep and saddened frown as she shook her head slightly.

Closing her eyes Anne whispered slightly. "I'll be out in a couple hours."


Anne sat at her desk, numb beyond feeling. Nat had been more of a brother then she though possible. The two had grown up together, heck, they'd even dated for a long time. Now he was gone. All because of her. When Azjah had hired her she opted not to take the special engineering courses, and now he was gone. She could've been trained to do the dirty work but she chose not to. She could've agreed to go over to the pirates but she didn't. She could've been quick enough but she wasn't. She could've tried to find another way but she didn't. She didn't have to order him to his death.

But she did.

They would land in RhyDin within twenty minutes, and at that point she would have to go personally to Nats family and break the news. They didn't even have a body to bury; the plasma destroyed it beyond recognition. She needed to get it out of her system before she told them the news.

And so she cried.
Last edited by Anne on Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Anne Ellis Feren
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A Brief Encounter

Post by Anne »

Alfred Gregony - Senior, Transportation. Good for defense and forced entry, lookout, and heavy transport.
Sheila Bohock - Lieutenant, Sabatoge. Excellent work with codes, security checks and bypassing traps.
Ralph Gezt - Assistant, Field Work Steady, dependable, lookout.
Karen Emisdioul - Junior, Security. Handles orders quickly and efficiently, good communication officer.
Dix Zartin - Novice, Sabatoge
Xiria Quinzt - Senior, Field Work Works well under pressure, has considerable knowledge of technology and medical procedures.
Nathaniel Soratin - Deceased - Replacement being Obtained

It had been weeks since Anne had gone out on a shipment. She had left most of the duties to Xiria while she weeded through paper work. This time, however, Anne planned to be a participant. It was another shipment to the Saar'Tzee government. Anne wasn't pleased about this being her first assignment. However, such deliveries were necessary. Nat wouldn't be there to help though. Last time Xiria, Arnold and Sheila were part of her crew as well. Arnold was no longer in commission and she doubted that Xiria would want another shipment. That left Sheila for those with past experience. Deciding to take Alfred and Ralph Anne made the preparations for the delivery.


10:45pm: Anne crept down past Rutherfords Bluff leaving Alfred and Ralph to take care of the shipments. Unlike last time, they decided to scout late into the night, and make the delivery in the early morning. Anne had read, and re-read all of Xirias reports on scouting and the Saar'Tzee area. She wasn't afraid of the rebels, Dyson had assured her that they had been taken care of. Yet it was better to err on the side of caution, in case a few still lingered in the forest. Tracking through the forest was easy enough, it was fairly quiet. Anne took the same route as before and checked all of the surrounding areas. After assuring herself it was clear, Anne returned. It was 2:45am.

3:00am: The crew left off from the bluff and weeded through the foliage. As they proceeded in silence Anne kept both her eyes out for trouble. However, it was her ears that picked up trouble. In a soft whisper Anne ordered Alfred to continue the shipment no matter what happened. Moving forward Anne left them out of sight. Proceeding in caution she followed the trail of rustling leaves. The moment she stepped into the clearing everything went black.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

Alfred Gregony - Senior, Transportation. Good for defense and forced entry, lookout, and heavy transport.
Sheila Bohock - Lieutenant, Sabatoge. Excellent work with codes, security checks and bypassing traps.
Ralph Gezt - Assistant, Field Work Steady, dependable, lookout.
Karen Emisdioul - Junior, Security. Handles orders quickly and efficiently, good communication officer.
Dix Zartin - Novice, Sabatoge
Xiria Quinzt - Senior, Field Work Works well under pressure, has considerable knowledge of technology and medical procedures.
Kyle Roland - Junior - Security


October 19th, 2005

Shipment to the Shyam Islands

Anne stood on the ship her arms folded across her chest. She felt strangely at home here. There had been lengthy discussions involving this shipment. Was she in fit condition? Was Anne necessary? Would it not be wiser to stay at the office? Should Caleb be allowed to come? The answers were No, No, Yes, and ... debatable. Despite having to fight tooth and nail for this, Anne was there. She had connections with the Chief of Shyam to assure everything proceeded smoothly.

Alfred unloaded the heavy crates and took them on the Island with the help of Ralph Gezt and Kyle Roland. Anne walked, with her guiding stick, towards the main hut. The Chief came out, a very large, very black, very strong man. He pulled Anne into an immediate embrace.

"My little Maha!"

Wincing happily Anne returned the embrace. So she was still his wild cow, a beauty in the Shyam Islands. "I am honored Chief'Aziz."

The chief guided her into his home and provided her with the payment. "Maha, you are not the same. More Risestedo. Weathered. What has happened?"

"I have experienced a Ixperianemtição is all."

The Chief nodded sagely, though Anne did not see it. "Thank you for the supplies Maha. We shall deal with your employer more often."

"Of course Chief'Aziz." The ex-pirate knelt on one knee and bowed her head. She waited till the chief tipped her chin up and kissed her forehead.

The trip home was exhausting and Anne returned to her bed gratefully.
Anne Ellis Feren

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