January 2010

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Inappropriate Thursday!

The question on everybody’s mind Thursday night in the Red Dragon Inn was what in the world has gotten into The World’s Hottest Tender Tucker??? He began his night behind the bar with some very un-Tucker like flirting with Lilli and then was quite rude to his friend Prof. Jolyon. His inappropriate behavior hardly ended there, though! He was seen whispering with Crazy Train Tara, giving Lil’ Bit Lirssa completely creepy looks considering her age, spent quite a bit of time trying to convince Eleanor to have sex with him, and even grabbed Serena (who was tending with him) to pull her in quite close. We hear that him putting his hands on Serena was the final straw for Manly Mason who went to intervene but was pulled away by Doc Eva. The whole thing is very, very odd.

Speaking of Serena, we hear that she was overheard telling Tucker that Prof. Jolyon asked her to marry him! Tucker’s reaction was to leave the Inn. The rumors that there is more than friendship between Serena and Tucker could have explained his odd behavior if it wasn’t for the fact that he had accomplished all his inappropriate behavior BEFORE she gave him the news. We’re at a loss. Anybody got any idea what’s wrong with T.W.H.T. Tucker??? Has he entered a new, creepy stage in mourning his loss of Doc Eva???

Lil’ Bit Lirssa and C.T. Tara had their own theories, of course. Lil’ Bit Lirssa seemed certain that Prof. Jolyon knew what was going on. Although, we have no idea why she thought there was a connection between the two men. C.T. Tara, on the other hand, was entirely convinced that T.W.H.T. Tucker was a pod person and that they needed to hire Awesome Alain to investigate the matter. We’re left confused as to whether we should believe the two of them or whether we should be horrified that C.T. Tara is allowed anywhere near L.B. Lirssa’s impressionable young mind. We suppose those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, though.

OMG. Spade gets around more than… well, more than C.T. Tara! She was overheard flirting with Harris who had to remind her that he has a wife. A very dangerous, foul-mouthed wife as those that remember her dueling days can attest. The pair had quite the lengthy discussion about sexual matters and a marriage between them should Harris ever get a divorce. Yep, completely an inappropriate conversation to have with a married man but Spade is far from the most well-mannered young woman that has ever walked into the Red Dragon Inn. That is one girl badly in need of a strict finishing school and a good spanking!

Wow. Danny and Kazzy are getting awfully tight, aren’t they? Sure, sure. We know what you’re going to say. They’re just spending time together because they miss Lizzie. The best friend and the boyfriend spend time together to help ease their sorrow, right??? Well, we’re not so sure we buy it. They NEVER seem to mention her anymore and with none of our sources having spotted Grem recently we think Kazzy’s ripe for the picking! We didn’t think Kazzy was the type to be able to stab her best friend in the back but…. now we’re not entirely sure anymore. You better believe we’re going to be keeping our eyes peeled on this one! You guessed it. Totally inappropriate!

A crowd gathered in the Arena to watch two challenges go down… or not go down as the case might have been. Overlord Tical was scheduled to face off against the Baron of Dockside, Vanion. Unfortunately for the crowd hoping to see a challenge, Vanion didn’t bother to show. It seemed pretty decided even that night as Lil’ Black Book Jaycy (Baroness of Seaside), Real Estate Mogul Rena (Baroness of Battlefield Park), the Wrecking Crew’s Maria (Baroness of Old Temple), and Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan (Baroness of Dragon’s Gate) all weighed in that they believed that the challenge should be voided and Vanion be stripped of his right to challenge for the remainder of the cycle. Considering that was a clear majority, it didn’t come as a shock when the Supervisor of Duel of Swords, G’naughty G’nort, announced the same just yesterday.

Something of note with the baronesses decision was that they specifically stated that Vanion would not be allowed to challenge at all for the remainder of the cycle, not just for Overlord. By doing so, they protected themselves from challenge against him for the rest of the cycle if The Warlord Who We Shall Not Name Because He Throws A Hissy Fit Every Time His Name Or His Girlfriend’s Name Is In Print is successful in defeating him in the challenge for Dockside…. which by the way will be fought tonight!

….And, yeah, that’s just the first challenge mess! There was another!

It seemed that in the middle of the first match between two former Overlords — Real Estate Mogul Rena and Anubis — for the right to be the baron(ess) of Battlefield Park, Anubis disappeared from the ring. We assume the cause is some sort of Nexus/Ward disturbance (as it has been rumored for years that there is some sort of relationship between the Nexus and the Ward) but Anubis has yet to issue an official statement on the matter. R.E.M. Rena was given the option of (a) rescheduling with Anubis, (b) facing his second, Xanth, or (c) sending the matter to the Council. Much to many people’s dismay, R.E.M. Rena decided to send it to the Council.

Thus, after being completely unused for quite some time, the Council received two matters to settle in one night.

Among those in the crowd was the storied duelist Kalamere who was seen chatting with G’naughty G’nort about the possibility of a comeback and even the idea of challenging for a barony once again. And then later in the night he was actually seen dueling! We sure hope it wasn’t a one time deal! It would be great to see him back in action again. While they were chatting, G’naughty G’nort mentioned that he might be done dueling for a while! He even tossed the word ‘retirement’ around. He said he wanted to continue running the place but may take a step back from dueling now that he’s reached the insane level of 200 wins over losses. We really do hope that’s not true. What a bummer that would be!
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Do The Reap Friday!

OMG! Say it ain’t so, Tucker??? We hear that he was back in the Red Dragon Inn Friday night throwing back drinks harder than usual and hitting on yet another round of trashy women! We’re starting to agree with Crazy Train Tara. He really has turned into a pod person! Despite several of the women seeming quite interested in heading home with The World’s Hottest Tender Tucker, he ended up storming out of the Inn all by himself. For a man that’s spending a lot of time hitting on women, he doesn’t seem to be taking any of them home. This whole thing is really odd.

Harris has a great ability to annoy beautiful young women until they like him. It’s a completely inexplicable talent but that’s exactly what he does! He made Sarah fall and spill the bags she was carrying. Then he refused to help her pick up the items that had spilled out. Yet, she still had a seat with him and a pretty lengthy discussion. We’re at a complete loss here. Why do you women keep giving this man the time of day??? First of all, he’s married. Second of all, he’s not all that good looking. And third of all, he’s kind of a jerk!

Speaking of Harris, we really think that someone should have a good long talk with the Governor about enacting some sort of law that forces him and Brale Brother Reap to remain at a certain distance from one another. We here at the Den of Gossip think that only bad things can happen when the two of them get together! They drank at the bar together for quite a while Friday night. B.B. Reap was asking Harris if it was true that Harris tricked Nigel into paying his bar tab instead of B.B. Reap’s for Christmas. Harris denied the charge and then proceeded to show B.B. Reap a dance that he made in his honor. Our sources claim that the dance looks a lot like a fish flopping around on the ground to its death. Cute.

O.M.G. We’re not sure what exactly is bigger news. Evidently our sources claim to have spotted Crazy Train Tara and The Many Faces of Fio deeeeep in conversation late into the night. C.T. Tara evidently made some sort of comment that suggested T.M.F.O. Fio is pregnant. Typically, we wouldn’t even bother to report C.T. Tara’s insane ramblings but this comes on the heels of the news that Lil’ Bit Lirssa made a similar comment several days prior. Wow. If that’s true… just wow. Considering all of T.M.F.O. Fio’s issues, that just doesn’t seem like the sort of additional responsibility that poor Awful Ali needs in his life. We’re still not convinced it’s true, though. Anyway, we also hear that T.M.F.O. Fio was overheard suggesting to C.T. Tara that Lucky Lawyer Lucien can’t…. well, do the deed…. if you know what we’re saying. That was the only bit of the conversation that our sources could catch but we are dying to know more! So many women’s fantasies would be ruined by that news!

We totally HEART Cutie Carley! It seems that she’s been seen back in the usual haunts lately with her friend Cy. In fact, Friday night she was spotted in the Annex to catch some duels. She evidently confronted Jay for making moves on Mad Cow Kazzy, calling her “Grem’s girl”. She seemed quite convinced that Grumbling Grem was totally going to beat Jay up for getting close with his girl. Somehow the conversation took a turn for Cutie Carley explaining the birds and the bees to Jay! No lie! Jay quickly turned the subject away from sex. We’re starting to wonder what Jay’s deal is about sex. He certainly seems to be turning down a lot of it! Cutie Carley was overheard telling him that the reason that she’s been off the radar is that she and Cy have been busy working her shipping business but that due to the bad weather they’ve been spending more time in RhyDin. If that’s the case, we hope spring NEVER comes!
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Queen of Saturday!

We here at the Den of Gossip feel there is great gossip potential in Lilli. Yet, we’re ashamed to say that we don’t know much of her dating past or present. We are determined to rectify that! It certainly helps our cause when her family is around, that’s for sure! Saturday night she was seen hanging out with her brother, Brishen, and her brother’s girl, Niamh. Much to Brishen’s dismay, Niamh asked Lilli who was “ploughin’ [her] furrows”. Niiiiiice! We should hire this girl! Unfortunately, Lilli was very vague. She said only that he was rich and handsome and refused to give her brother his name. Could it be Zev? She has been spotted with him on multiple occasions. Of note as well is that Brishen advised his sister that it might just be time that he buy a ring to place on Niamh’s hand. Uh… you think???

Awesome Alain was seen hand-in-hand with an old “friend” (and we do use that word loosely) of ours, Sophie Rhovnik. Rumor has it that the pair have been spending quite some time together since she arrived in town. They have similar business interests which has some worried and some intrigued by the possible match. We hear that there’s already a push from some for them to marry to create a powerful merger of families which is exactly what has the rest worried. We still seriously doubt that Awesome Alain even understands the concept of settling down.

How adorable! It seems that Awful Ali, The Many Faces of Fio, Manly Mason, and Doc Eva are bonding over a common love for Lil’ Bit Lirssa! Those two couples seem like they would make such an interesting double date, don’t they??? T.M.F.O. Fio invited Manly Mason and Doc Eva over for an evening much to L.B. Lirssa’s delight. Interestingly enough, we feel like the pair of them probably have a lot in common… more than just L.B. Lirssa. We could totally see this turning into an excellent friendship!

So much for all you naysayers trying to tell us that Dean is a good guy and really is in love with his girlfriend, Quinn. There’s no denying he was seen at the bar drinking and having a very intimate conversation with a lovely blonde elf named Susan. Our sources swear up and down that they’ve never seen him open up to his girlfriend the way he was opening up to this Susan chick. Iiiinteresting! Word has it that Quinn did make her way in later and met Susan. Quinn was gracious (or naive) as always. We just don’t trust this guy.

Our sources insist that they spot Sylvia in a ring in the Arena Saturday night while Guill was calling. We just didn’t believe them so Intern Hot to Trot checked the official dueling standings and… what do you know??? She is indeed listed on the standings! We have to admit that we’re a little thrilled about this! The Queen of Class Sylvia with a sword in her hand taking on the big boys of the Arena??? It’s kind of HAWT! We’d love to lay eyes on it ourselves. Did anybody else catch this???

Chryrie hasn’t died! We were starting to hear some unsubstantiated rumors that the reason Chryrie hadn’t been around was that she had been killed and that Krazy Kitty and Psycho Skid were keeping it a secret until they could find her murderer. It seems those were nothing but LIES! Chryrie was seen looking quite alive in the Arena, watching the duels and enjoying the company. Psycho Skid seemed quite pleased to see that she was out in public and laid quite the series of kisses on her. Even Sullen Sal got in on the joy. Chryrie covered him in dust from her wings and he spent some time… licking it off of himself. That boy is just damn strange. There are no other words for it.
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Mail Call!

M.F. -

No more Anya requires a party!

..in my hot tub. Yeeaaaah. I’ll bring the whip cream, you bring the chocolate.

Although, I gotta say — I do adore Deathlord. Any guy who sends his undead minions caroling for the pleasure of his citizens — especially in New Haven, of all friggin’ places — is my kinda guy. Even if he does drink goblets of newts.


Dear Sin,

Goblets of newts? Barf.

As for your hot tub, I’m so there.

- Marc



Excuse me for saying so, but your column is a piece of crap. There is a word. It’s called slander. Get your facts straight before printing them or I’ll hunt you down and shove my foot right where the sun don’t shine.


That Dean Guy

Dear Dean,

There’s a really easy solution for those of you that hate our column. Don’t read it.

As for your foot? Better men than you have tried, sir.

- Marc


Heyas, Marc.

I thought I’d give you a little insight into my feelings for Psly, since I know you’re wondering why we’re together.

How do I love Pslyder, let me count the ways.

How do I love Psly? Let me count the ways.
I love him with all that I am and ever will be.
I love him with stars in my eyes, for he is heaven to me.
I love him gently for his sweet caress.
I love him passionately for the fire he brings to light.
I love him softly as he holds and protects me through the night.
I love him unconditionally for that is how he loves me.
I love him longingly when it is him I ache to see.
I love him utterly with no secrets I keep.
I love him hard and long and deep.
I love him humbly, for he holds my heart and soul.
I love him joyously, for he makes me whole.
I love him hungrily, for beneath his touch my body is like a slave.
I love him forever, always, even beyond the grave.


Dear Jaycy,

Mr. Franco is so upset that he can’t write this letter himself. He begs you to tell him that this is all a joke and that you haven’t gotten (in his words) “soft” or “sappy”.

- Intern Hot to Trot
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What Passes For A Romance Expert Sunday!

Lil’ Boy Blue Locke was seen in the Red Dragon Inn Sunday night which means that we got our first piece of news on Ballerina Katarina’s recovery from her surgery! Doc Eva was overheard asking about it and Locke told her that Ballerina Katarina is up and moving around but a bit “gimpy” still. We’re glad to hear that she’s on her feet at least! Manly Mason was there as well and had a conversation with Lil’ Boy Blue Locke about how to spice up his dinners with Ballerina Katarina since he cannot eat hot food. We hear that Manly Mason had some good ideas and was even trying to suggest some more… romantic option. We’re a little bit disturbed that Manly Mason is considered an expert on romance in this city!

We hear that L.B.B. Locke got a little anxious later when Juliane came in and made a reference about him marrying her cousin. He was quick to say that he and Ballerina Katarina were not engaged. Reeeeaaally? You’re going to shack up with the girl and not make her your wife??? Not cool, L.B.B. Locke! Not at all cool! We’re not entirely sure L.B.B. Locke appreciates what an amazing woman he’s landed. Maybe Head of the Fam Johnny should kick his ass after all! The awkward moment was easily defused when Lil’ Bit Lirssa brought up the subject of Juliane’s new gallery which L.B.B. Locke showed a great deal of interest in. L.B.B. Lirssa saves the day again!

Regular Fight Night dueling as well as a Fists’ MegaBrawl brought quite the crowd into the Annex Sunday night. We hear that surprisingly enough even the storied (and half-retired) duelists, Amal and Xeno, were on hand to represent their team in the brawl. We hear that the Brawl was so insane that it was difficult to tell who was doing what to whom. Quite the spectacle! It proceeded laaaaate into the night and we hear that EVERYBODY ended up pretty beat up. And there’s still two more of them!

Lil’ Black Book Jaycy showed up to get in some regular dueling dressed in a pretty formal gown. We hear that she bailed on the wedding that was ongoing and was in quite the pissy little mood. Maybe she realized just how close to marriage she and Pslyder now are and it scared the living dickens out of her. We hope to God that the realization about the path that she’s on finally dawned in her dull little head. Come on, L.B.B. Jaycy! Don’t ruin the amazing reputation that you have made for yourself by sticking with one guy! There’s still half of RhyDin left for you to seduce and bed! We miss you snapping hearts in two and stomping on them with your heels!
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Expecting Monday!

What do you know? Monday night found Dean and Susan drinking together at the Red Dragon Inn… again. These two are AWFULLY close for being “just friends”. Don’t you agree??? We hear that Lang threatened to try to steal Dean’s girl away from him. At this point we’re at a loss as to whether he means Quinn or Susan. Either way, the comment made Dean a little pissy. Although, we’re not entirely sure that “pissy” is a mood for him or just a general state of being. We do know for a fact that BOTH of those girls can do better. Lots better.

No way! We cannot believe it but evidently it’s true! The Many Faces of Fio was overheard telling Kendall that she and Ali are expecting a baby in August. You’ve GOT to be kidding us. Really, we cannot even IMAGINE what got into Ali’s head. It has to be unplanned, right??? With everything he has to worry about does he really need a kid as well??? Can you imagine Sullen Sal and Deliciously Sinful Sin as uncles??? We really hope that this doesn’t turn into a train wreck because we really want the best for both of them!

Well, the theme of the night wasn’t inappropriate conversations as it was several nights before but when does that ever stop Joey and Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan??? The pair are evidently involved in some sort of relationship but were not exactly sure what that means. We’re pretty darn sure that it doesn’t mean that they’re monogamous. Anyway, Joey was overheard Monday night in the Outback asking S.P.G. Teagan whether or not S.P.G. Teagan thought Joey’s boobs were big enough or if she should get bigger ones. Wow. What else can you say to that really??? We know you are all dying to know what S.P.G. Teagan’s response was. She evidently said that she likes Joey’s boobs just the way they are. That’s probably what passes as a sweet comment between the two of them.
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CrushBob Tuesday!

That Aaron sure is one clASSy guy! It’s no wonder he’s such good friend with Dean. Tuesday night found the pair of them in the Red Dragon Inn doing what it is that they seem to do — get drunk and hit on loose women. Dean was once again seen with Susan while Aaron had put his sights on a blonde that we hear goes by the name Aila. It seems that Aaron was actually trying to get her drunk before making his move on her. We’re pretty sure he didn’t have to go to so much trouble. This girl was really into his vibe. Where did these two guys come from and why are these girls putty in their hands??? Seriously, have a bit of respect, ladies! Can’t you all see through their bull???

We hear that the Outback was really hopping Tuesday night as some of dueling’s finest came out to get some duels for the Tour in! Napoleon was wearing the yellow jersey to signify his position in the Tour currently when he showed up to bash some heads in under the CrushBob banner. Yeah, we have no idea what that team name means and our sources actually heard teammates Smokin’ Sartan and Speedster Nova expressing confusion over it as well. It’s just further proof that the Gov MAN-tastic Matt has taken one too many blows to the head over the years.

Odd. One of the Taneths told Crazy Train Tara that she didn’t like her. So totally not like Taneth! Tormay is STILL not back so we can only assume that he’s still trying to find the answers to Taneth’s problem. We do miss Our Darling Taneth so! C.T. Tara was not at all offended by Taneth’s remark. In fact, we hear that she responded that most people don’t like her. On the subject of C.T. Tara, we hear that she was utterly petrified of Kheldar for some reason. Odd, isn’t it? Of course, Kheldar is a pretty big guy but when is C.T. Tara afraid of anybody? Particularly the person who is seen as one of the kindest, gentlest duelists out there? That girl is completely bonkers!
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Teeny Tiny, Itty Bitty Wednesday!

The Red Dragon Inn was pretty quiet Wednesday night! However, Lil’ Bit Lirssa was seen tending to what few customers braved the chilly weather. We’re pretty sure that little girl spends more time behind the bar than any tender Head Pussy Panther has on his payroll! He should snatch her up before another bar owner does. She not only is pretty good at the job but she certainly knows a good solid 3/4 of the city. It’s always good to have well-connected bartenders! The kids that serve in the Arena are younger than Lirssa!

Connar and Chief Mischief Maker Eless looked quite cozy and absolutely adorable! We’re so glad that Connar finally got his girl after all these years. He’s been into C.M.M. Eless since we started reporting in RhyDin! This is truly the sort of love match that just makes us feel all warm and gooey inside. They’ve been spotted quite a lot recently, hanging out in the Inn and drinking together laaaate into the night and we hear that he walks her home quite often. However, when their friends ask about the possibility of marriage, C.M.M. Eless still says that it maybe centuries before they wed. What a bummer! They really have to wed in our lifetime. We would be just sick if we missed such an occasion!

The Tour de RhyDin regular fists stage had the Outback absolutely packed with contestants and spectators. Yet, one person stuck out like a sore thumb. Lil’ Black Book Jaycy. Our sources were more than anxious to report back to us that she was seen hugging on and cuddling with a Pslyder action figure doll. We wonder if it was anatomically correct. You know, complete with a teeny tiny, itty bitty — what??? Anyway, we continue to be shocked and dismayed by L.B.B. Jaycy’s behavior. We sure hope he’s drugging her or something because there’s NO WAY our Jaycy would stick with one man so long without causing trouble. This is crap!

Speaking of crap, it seems that Joey and Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan are sort of serious about… well, at least about calling the other their “girlfriend”. Again, who knows exactly what that word means in their worlds??? Joey was overheard introducing S.P.G. Teagan to Duci as her girlfriend. We hear that S.P.G. Teagan seems quite interested in Joey’s new friend. Yeah, we bet she was. All it takes to keep S.P.G. Teagan’s attention is a vagina. Seriously, those two girls need to find significant others who are grounded and… well, have at least a little bit of moral backbone. We don’t think they’re all that bad. Just seriously misguided.

Much to the dismay of Sartan’s best friend, Nova, and his wife, Rory, he did go through with his challenge against Dizzy for the right to hold Icedancer! It seemed that no amount of warnings about the trouble those opals could cause from Speedster Nova could deter Smokin’ Sartan. We are curious about Smokin’ Sartan’s choice for opals to go after since he picked the very same Opal that Nova has so much history with. In fact, Speedster Nova was the first holder of Icedancer and it allegedly drove his ex-wife bonkers. Some here at the Den of Gossip would contend that Speedster Nova drove his ex-wife bonkers… but the important part is that Speedster Nova contends that it was the opal. We have to wonder if Speedster Nova’s a little pissed. It’s one thing to ignore his warnings but to thumb his nose at the warnings by going after the same opal that Nova has so much history with??? That just seems a little wrong.

Smokin’ Sartan was able to best Dizzy and earned the right to hold Icedancer. We sure hope for his sake that Speedster Nova was being overly cautious. Congratulations, Smokin’ Sartan!
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Frenemy Thursday!

Thursday night in the Red Dragon Inn started off quietly enough. We hear that Nigel and Brale Brother Reap are quickly becoming BFFs. They’re practically inseparable these days. In large part, this seems to be due to the fact that they have both been seriously bitten by the dueling bug. They’ve been seen spending large amounts of time in the dueling venues, bashing heads in. We’re not all that surprised, particularly with B.B. Reap. He just seems to fit into the heavy drinking and gratuitous violence of the dueling venues. Anyway, the pair were seen talking strategy Thursday night in the Inn over drinks before they headed off to get their duel on.

Things were immediately tense between The World’s Hottest Tender Tucker and his bar mate, Serena, when they showed up for their shift. The back-and-forth bickering lasted pretty much the entire length of their shift and at one point T.W.H.T. Tucker accused her of not being excited enough about getting married. We hear that Serena also had some sharp words for some girl that she seemed to think was too trampy to be flirting with T.W.H.T. Tucker. Reeeeaaaally? Too trampy, huh? We’re starting to see a possible motive behind all this tension. Are you??? It wasn’t just Serena who he exchanged harsh words for, though. We hear that he got into it with Manly Mason, threatened Prof. Jolyon, and yelled at Crazy Train Tara for calling him a “pod person”. Then he screwed up The Many Faces of Fio’s order so badly that she looked ready to bash him over the head with something. Awful Ali had to step in and calm her down! You have to be careful with those pregnant women, T.W.H.T. Tucker! They will bite your hand off if you mess with them!

The fireworks didn’t end with T.W.H.T. Tucker storming out! Both C.T Tara and Dawn were spotted at the bar exchanging biting commentary. What do the pair of them have in common? Well, Anubis, of course! Dawn is the wife of Anubis and as most know C.T. Tara is madly in love with him and probably sleeping with him. The wife and the mistress face-off! It’s an oldie but NEVER EVER gets played out! The nasty comments didn’t last long. The two seemed to agree that they should be besties…. er, we’re not buying this at all! We’re sure they’re each just playing this frenemy game to sit in wait to kill the other. Who do you have your money on???

Daniel is NOT going to like to hear that Kazzy has given up all hope of Lizzie coming back but it seems that she’s done just that! She was overheard chatting with Fiora (and, really, those two are just two peas in a pod) and when Fiora asked about Lizzie, Kazzy said that she wasn’t holding out much hope that she would be coming back. Aw. Poor Danny. That’s so sad! Well, we know a couple cute, single chicks to hook you up with Danny. Give us a ring! You can have your pick!

O.M.G. Say it ain’t so! We have just about had enough of this! Lil’ Black Book Jaycy looked down right ridiculous according to our sources with a rose up to her nose when she came into the Arena Thursday night. We hear that she couldn’t tell the Girlfriend of the Keeper Who Shall Not Be Mentioned Per His Orders fast enough about how Pslyder spread rose petals all over her bed. Ugh. GAG! This is getting completely ridiculous. The next thing you know she’ll be skipping and making chains of daisies. What happened to the tough heart-breaker that we fell in love with??? THIS MUST STOP!!!
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Livid Friday!

Awww! Who can look at Cowboy Jake and Marvelous Mira and just not melt at their cuteness??? The pair were in the Red Dragon Inn Friday night sitting on the couch looking incredibly cozy. We have questioned in the past whether or not she’s as into him as he is into her but our sources are adamant that she seems to totally be digging him these days. We have to wonder if what came off as aloofness around him was actually just shyness. Who wouldn’t feel a little shy when a guy who looks like Cowboy Jake starts seriously courting you??? This couple is totally going all the way. We can’t wait until he asks her to marry him! It can’t be all that far off!

We hear that Lilli (who, although is supposedly dating Zev, has been linked with The World’s Hottest Tender Tucker in the past) was asking Lil’ Bit Lirssa if she had seen T.W.H.T. Tucker as of late and how he was behaving. She seemed a bit concerned… as we all are! T.W.H.T. Tucker’s behavior has been waaaay strange! Lirssa summed up the uncharacteristic behavior from the night before for Lilli and that didn’t seem to put Lilli at ease at all. We hear that Lilli told L.B. Lirssa that Tucker really needs his friends right now. Do YOU know what in the world is going on with him??? If so send a note to the Den of Gossip ASAP!

It seems that there is one or two people who might! Our sources tell us that later into the night Serena was explaining to Eless about why Tucker’s been acting so odd. They couldn’t hear the full details but they were able to determine that he was infected with something. Maybe Crazy Train Tara’s pod person theory was right! Chief Mischief Maker Eless was LIVID with the news! We hear that she even CURSED a couple times. Can you imagine that??? We wish we were there to hear it! Somehow Prof. Jolyon is involved and his involvement has evidently led to the end of the engagement between he and Serena. And that news made Lil’ Bit Lirssa LIVID! Wowzers!

It seems that Aaron has been quick to couple off with the pretty blonde named Aila. No idea where he picked this one up but we understand his desire to take her off the market quickly. She’s a cute little thing. The pair were seen hanging out with Quinn… who really needs a boyfriend upgrade. Unfortunately, she’s not going to get it hanging out with Aaron and Aila who are friends of her man, Dean. He did come in later into the night to spend a bit of time with his girlfriend and friends. We wonder if she’s aware of all the quality time he’s been having with that pretty blonde elf lately.

And just when we think Lil’ Black Book Jaycy’s slide into becoming nothing more than Pslyder’s arm candy can’t get any deeper… it does. Le sigh! Yep, she was seen Friday night in the Annex keeping the queue during the massive amount of tour dueling that was on going while her new man was calling duels. And, yes, she was sitting in his lap. And, yes, she was wearing a French maid’s outfit. We’re just so flabbergasted by this behavior that we don’t know where to begin. It’s sad. This was one of the most infamous female playboys in the city. Her game was HUGE. And now she’s reduced to this. Really, really sad.
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Deathcake Saturday!

Come on. You know we aren’t the only ones who consider boarding up our windows and shoving pieces of furniture against the doors every time Lucky Lawyer Lucien and Awesome Alain are seen with their heads together in the Red Dragon Inn! It seems to be a the headquarters for those two to attempt to figure out a way to save RhyDin from whatever mess she’s gotten herself into this time. Probably because whatever scheme they come up with is so dangerous that they need large amounts of alcohol to work themselves into going through with it. We have no idea what they were planning but they were clearly up to something!

One of our absolute favorites, Den Mama Sid, was behind the bar doing her tending gig! She had quite a lengthy chat with her dear friend Queen of Class Sylvia. Anybody else have a feeling that those two lovely ladies created quite the stir back in the day??? We just have a feeling that they were total troublemakers together. Anyway, these days at least Q.O.C. Sylvia seems quite settled. They spoke of visiting together with their children in the spring. Man, how we’d like an invitation to THAT party!

Well, it appears that after ticking off most of the dueling community for some… well, pretty incendiary comments, Guill is trying to get his priorities in order. He was seen calling Saturday night in the Arena and had his very pregnant wife, Timora, at his side. His primary focus was definitely on her and making sure she was comfortable. We hear that he has even taken a break from challenging in order to concentrate on his growing family. Good for him! More men need to take a step back from their careers and keep an eye on the homefront!

The Arena was quiet enough to allow Guill a little quality time with his wifey because there was a tag team tournament ongoing in the Arena for the Tour that attracted quite the who’s who in the dueling world. Despite the big names that showed up and the fact that it seemed CrushBob had the advantage by the sheer number of teams they had entered, it was Rowdy Rekah and Thorne representing Deathcake who remained standing at the end of the night. How fantastic! We HEART a good underdog (no pun intended) story!

Congratulations to Rowdy Rekah and Thorne!

Although, the dueling was definitely the main event of the night, our sources did catch something fantastically entertaining! Evidently after their duel, the Overlord Tical was seen KISSING one of his loyal baronesses. And, nope, it wasn’t Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan. It was fellow Crew member, Maria! We told you! Crew fans had dismissed that long time rumor about the two of them but it seems that now that they’re both single they’re not hiding anything! You’re hearing it here first because we’re told that even Ria seemed surprised when she caught the degree of friendliness that seems to exist between the pair. Iiiinteresting! Coming on the heels of her divorce, we have to ask, of course, is the Overlord a home wrecker???
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Megabrawl Sunday!

We’re not really sure if chaos and mayhem follow Mad Cow Kazzy or if she causes it but Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn was a perfect example of the trouble that can happen when you’re hanging out with her. We hear that Lirssa, Serena, and Mick were coloring with her when the monster on the page that M.C. Kazzy was coloring started to come to life AND EAT HER HAND!!! Lirssa tried to peel the beast off Kazzy and Serena tried to pull Kazzy’s hand out while the thing spit smelly mud at them. Fortunately, Mick came to the rescue and set the thing on fire. Unfortunately for Eleanor, she was in wake zone when the thing exploded mud all over the place. Wow. What do you even say to that???

Wow! Things just do NOT seem to be getting better for the Taneths… or for Lucky Lawyer Lucien for that matter! He walked in Sunday night to find Crazy Train Tara and Rowdy Rekah hiding under the table while one the Taneths threw stuff at the girls and spoke of eating them! OMG! To make matters even worse, Rowdy Rekah had a gun and C.T. Tara was urging her to blow the Taneths heads off. First of all, who in the world gave Rowdy Rekah a gun??? We have a strong feeling that this may be blamed entirely on Sullen Sal. Doesn’t it seem right up his alley???

Anyway, Lucky Lawyer Lucien had to intervene as usual but, unfortunately, this seemed to be one of those rare opportunities that he was NOT able to calm the situation down. He ended up getting into a fight with some mystery guy named Dave who C.T. Tara had put in charge of guarding Rowdy Rekah. When L.L. Lucien went to punch this Dave guy, he ducked and L.L. Lucien hit Rowdy Rekah instead, knocking Rekah out! In the mayhem that ensued, one of the Taneths kidnapped Rekah and L.L. Lucien and this Dave guy just started WAILING on each other! C.T. Tara eventually had to calm L.L. Lucky down while Nigel held Lil’ Bit Lirssa back to keep her out of the fray! How odd is that???

The Megabrawls of the dueling venues have NOTHING on a Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn evidently!
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Weak In The Knees Monday!

Now we would never peg Nigel immediately as the type that would make a woman’s heart skip a beat. After all, his name is Nigel. That draws the image of a bespectacled, pimply book worm to mind more than a ladies’ man, doesn’t it? Well, throw out your stereotypes because ‘hunk’ seems to have a new name! Nigel was seen in one HAWT lip lock with the suuuuper sexy Charna Monday night in the Red Dragon Inn before he headed to the Outback to get his duel on. The chemistry was definitely SMOKING between the pair leaving us to wonder exactly what Nigel’s got that makes Charna weak in the knees!

No way! Say it ain’t so! We made our sources SWEAR on Intern Beast’s Rindy Carbona pumps that they were telling the truth on this one! It seems that Connar was seen speaking intimately with a pretty brunette in the Inn laaaaate into Monday night. Poor dear Chief Mischief Maker Eless! After all she and Connar have been through to get to this point, this can’t POSSIBLY be true! Not only do they claim that he chatted with her for quite some time but they also say that he was seen TOUCHING her! We don’t even know WHAT to think about this news. We still don’t have a name on the girl but we’re working overtime to get one. Promise!
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Madness on Wheels Tuesday!

Awww! Poor Amber! The adorable little blonde was seen tending bar Tuesday night at the Red Dragon Inn and when asked if she had a boyfriend yet by a patron she responded that she did not and had never been on a date! We cannot allow this to happen, people. She’s far too cute. We’ll have to get on this case! We certainly can’t think of any single, decent guys off the top of our head. Most of them have some sort of major malfunction or are far too willing to take advantage of Amber’s naivety… but we’ll find one! Don’t you worry, Amber!

Another night, more Cutie Carley madness! We’re not really sure how she manages to get through a day on her own without someone hammering her into the ground…. but she keeps right on kicking! She was seen chatting with John about life in a wheelchair and why he didn’t just go see a healer to make it all better. John seemed to be experiencing a bit of culture shock while Carley tried to explain (oh, so politely, of course) what a healer was. However, Carley got distracted by Renna macking on someone and told Renna to get a room. Of course that led to Renna laying a pretty heated kiss on Carley and then Carley punching Renna in the face. Niiiiice, ladies.

Lucky Lawyer Lucien and Crazy Train Tara seemed to be having quite the intimate little chat laaaate into the night. Has he finally realized that there is no escaping C.T. Tara??? Is he dumping Bekah??? We feel sorry for him but he should probably just read the writing on the wall. There’s no way C.T. Tara’s going to be okay with his relationship. She’s never going to come to some sort of great realization on how L.L. Lucien deserves happiness and Bekah gives him that. Nope, eventually Bekah will die and C.T. Tara will be the one that kills her. And, honestly, you really can’t blame C.T. Tara. She’s like a wild animal. If you give her the opportunity to bite your hand off, she’ll bite your hand off and it’s really just your fault for sticking your hand in her cage in the first place!

Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan and her “girlfriend” (again, we use that term loosely since they are still banging/seeing other people), Joey, seemed to be having a bit of a spat Tuesday night on Twilight Isle while watching Tour duels commencing. It seems that S.P.G. Teagan was not too pleased that Joey stood her up which caused Joey to get all teary eyed over issues as of late. S.P.G. Teagan seems to be a sucker for hot girl’s tears, though. As soon as Joey started crying, she got all consoling and protective. If we didn’t think that the only reason S.P.G. Teagan did it was to get laid, it might have been sort of cute.

Evidently, Misty’s gone crazy. At least that’s what our sources report back to us. She was seen twitching and looking almost dead in Thorne’s arms one minute and then snarling and sneering at Simmering Sivanna the next. Hearing that she’s crazy makes the news that she’s doing the nasty with Thorne a bit easier to understand and deal with. Anyway! Dris is somehow involved as well but our sources couldn’t make sense of many of the details. In fact, they report that the group doesn’t seem to understand what’s happening themselves. We sure hope Misty’s okay, though!
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Own Drummer Wednesday!

The Red Dragon Inn was a very quiet place indeed Wednesday night! We do hear that Lil’ Bit Lirssa was seen behind the bar for a while and, if our sources are right, said a line that leaves us very sad. There’s rumors that she was overheard telling a patron that she’s not sure she believes in a hell other than RhyDin. Wow. Even if joking, this is a sad commentary on the youth of this city and is exactly the reason for our Foundation. No child should grow up like she’s clearly had to!

We hear that the action wasn’t much better in the Outback which makes us wonder what happened in the city Wednesday night that we don’t know about! Anyway, Carley was seen getting some duels in and have a conversation with a trainer named Mickey. It seems that Mickey was telling her that she should snarl to scare her opponents and that smiling is bad. Good luck with that one, Mickey! She’s a stubborn little thing. We doubt there’s anything you can say that will actually make an impact. Carley marches to the beat of her own drummer and that why we here at the Den of Gossip totally HEART her!

…Speaking of Carley, that cute guy Cy was with her yet again. He’s evidently a pretty good and very committed duelist. We’re sure she’ll kick us in the shins for saying this but, man, wouldn’t they be a cute couple???

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