April 2010

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Moderator: Marc Franco

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Favorite Thursday!

The Many Faces of Fio certainly seemed in a bad mood Thursday night as she hung out at the bar with her new BFF, Kate. We hear that she was overheard discussing the lack of support that her friends gave her marriage to Ali and it seems that the wound hasn’t healed over. We thought that she was over all of that but she certainly didn’t appear to be. Perhaps it was just a bad hormonal night??? Pregnant women can be pretty unpredictable. After that our sources heard her laying into Prof. Jolyon about something to do with Lil’ Bit Lirssa. Our sources tell us that at the end of the conversation Lil’ Bit Lirssa’s lessons had been suspended. WHAT??? Sure, Lil’ Bit Lirssa is young but she’s been taking care of herself for YEARS! We don’t see Fio’s interference in her life going over very well. Fio’s got a lot to learn about preteen girls. We predict MAJOR fireworks considering Prof. Jolyon has been a constant in Lirssa’s life a lot longer than Fio and Ali have been. If there’s one person in RhyDin that we just wouldn’t want to have a test of wills against, it would be Lirssa.

Riley and that Aolani chick got into it again…. right in front of Riley’s new man, Daniel. Riley wrote us some long winded explanation about why she and Aolani don’t get along but it was vague and we don’t buy it. Considering Riley seemed to throw Thursday night’s fit while Aolani was in the middle of working her assets to flirt with another woman we think jealousy is the real motive. And hold your letters now, Riley, because it doesn’t matter if it is or it isn’t. That’s how it looks and that’s not the image you want throwing around in front of your new guy now, is it??? Men like stable women, not nutcases. If Riley doesn’t get her act together maybe you ladies will have a second shot at this Daniel fellow!

The Arena was busy as the third round of Madness dueling began. Kalamere faced an unfair disadvantage while dueling Jay (who eventually beat Kalamere by a point) because Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan was outside the ring moaning Kalamere’s name. That’s got to be more than a little distracting. We hear that her full court press didn’t end there. When Kalamere left the ring she seemed to be on a mission to get him back in bed and make herself his “favorite”. Iiiinteresting. We hear that she’s going to have to work harder to be the apple of Kalamere’s eye. He was seen with Jaycy and Maria chatting later in the evening. Evidently Maria was pissed at Kalamere for some story he leaked and Jaycy was helping to smooth things over. We don’t see Kalamere picking a favorite anytime soon. He seems quite happy playing the ENTIRE field.

Um. Lavender is NOT Neo’s color! Our sources report back to us that he looked less than enthused Thursday night when he was spotted in the Arena in a lavender uniform. Duci and Sivanna were greatly amused. Duci called him “brave” for wearing the color in public and Sivanna seemed to be struggling against laughter. According to Neo, when he woke up Thursday morning he found that all his clothes had been turned lavender. Some sort of April Fool’s joke we suppose??? We here at the Den of Gossip don’t celebrate the holiday. We don’t understand why there should be only one day to celebrate mean-spirited pranks. Our entire lives are a celebration of mean-spirited pranks!

We’ve got to hand it to poor Loxley. Even though he was being hit on by two notorious flirts in Kelathe who he was dueling and Jaycy who was standing outside the ring, he still managed to win the duel by a point. The ladies still didn’t lay off him and were seen blowing him kisses and making suggestive comments. Classy, ladies. Poor kid! There should be laws in this town about those two women keeping their distance from impressionable young teenagers.

Jaycy added a new name to her lil’ black book it seems! She was overheard by more than one person convinced Kattria to come home to “play” with her and Pslyder. OMG! Come on! Our sources have told us that over the past week or so it seems that Kattria has given up on Kalamere being interested in anyone that doesn’t have a barony so she accepted pretty readily. Do any of the women that frequent the Annex have any moral backbone at all??? Another good girl brought down by Jaycy’s ridiculousness! Ugh!
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Stabbed in the Back Friday!

Didn’t we tell you that Riley was in trouble! We also told you that the pretty little Aliss was quite the looker! It seems that Daniel was spotted admiring her beauty Friday night in the Red Dragon Inn. The pair were seen chatting for quite some time and we hear that she had him laughing. They were joined by a pretty little brunette who introduced herself as Mindy that Daniel said was his neighbor. That man is just surrounded by pretty women! Who will he choose? It seems Riley’s not doing herself any favors. Daniel was overheard telling Mindy that he and Riley had an argument about her earlier in the day. The wrong thing to do when you start dating a man is have an argument about his pretty neighbor. We should really start a school on dating for women of this town. Maybe they’d stop ending up with such jerks!

We hear that the adorable little Amber was overheard offering to find one of her friends a date that wasn’t “all grabby hands”. Niiiice. The problem is that most women in this town like their men grabby and rude. The bad boys prosper and the good boys remain single. And then these same ladies can’t figure out why it is that the men they find end up leaving them! Maybe we should hire Amber on as an instructor in this dating school! She certainly seems to have her head on straight!

Ali was seen catching up with his dear friend Kate. They certainly seem pretty… well, intimate friends. We’re not so sure we trust her and we’re not so sure that Fio should either. We don’t believe that her feelings for Ali are completely platonic and she seems like one of those pseudo good girls who will stab you in the back and steal your man as soon as you turn your back. Ali’s not the type to leave a pregnant wife, is he??? No, probably not. However, we wouldn’t put it past him to cheat on his pregnant wife with an old flame. Watch your back, Fio! That’s all we’re saying! We don’t want to see the first marriage that we ever officiated end in a blaze of fire. Seriously. This time we really don’t.

Everett and Glenn were seen chatting together at the bar… which really isn’t all that surprising. We don’t think that they knew each other from when Everett was first in RhyDin but their personalities are so similar that it was only a matter of time before they met and became fast friends. What was surprising is that Juliane was seen with the pair of them! Let’s take two somewhat shy, quiet men and throw in an effervescent, beautiful young woman??? We’re surprised that the two didn’t spend the whole night tripping over their tongues in her presence. She can’t possibly be interested in one of them…. could she???

There was a lot going on in the Annex Friday night! Not only were Madness duels in high swing but there are quite a few people participating in this New Haven Squire tournament. Seriously??? There are people out there who WANT to be the Squire to Deathlord??? This is really just getting too weird. Somebody finally needs to step up and end his reign! It’s not enough that the scary looking guy is the baron of the most upscale district in RhyDin but he’s also starting some sort of creepy real estate business in New Haven. We’re not big on the interest Taneth has taken in him either…. or that he has taken in her. Really, Lucky Lawyer Lucien should put an end to that!

It seems that Kattria survived her sexual encounter of the frequented kind. She was back in the Annex Friday night getting some dueling in and we hear that she had a new face with her. Evidently the young woman’s name is Tristanie and she’s Kattria’s sister. She’s definitely a bit more on the silly side and evidently she had a toad with her. A bit odd but what else would you expect from a sister of Kattria??? The girls were quite the bubbly force and according to their conversation it seems we can expect dueling out of Tristanie in the future!

So it seems this whole Rix/Sarah thing is for real! What in the world??? He was seen hanging out on the couch with her while she called and we’re told that the action was one step from inappropriate behavior for a caller. They were even overheard discussing how he had just moved into her place! We’re totally confused. We know one thing, though. Rix has been with a lot of girls over the years but he never makes it to the end of an aisle. We’re betting that this wedding never happens.

They weren’t the only surprising pair caught cuddling in the Annex late into the night! We hear that Paradise was seen all snuggled up to… Shadow??? Now there are rumors that Paradise was dating Venom Vinny but we’re sure that it wasn’t exclusive because nothing ever is with Venom Vinny. Therefore, we’re not too terribly surprised to see Paradise with another man but… Shadow??? When did these two start hooking up? She definitely seemed to light up when she saw him and he was definitely feeling her. Iiiiinteresting!
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McPretty Saturday!

The Red Dragon Inn was pretty quiet Saturday night but a couple regulars were spotted out and about. Harper and John started off the evening with what seemed to be an argument but it didn’t last long. When our sources spotted them a short time after the tense exchange, they seemed quite cozy. We hear he literally knocked a bottle of the table in his hurry to put his hands on her. We’re not so sure if this one is going to work out. John seems like a nice guy but we’re still not convinced he’s not a playboy.

Neo and Archmage McPretty Sivanna were seen in the Inn as well. They were chatting about his clothes returning to their normal color at the stroke of midnight. It’s a little rare for the pair to be seen in the Inn these days other than to pass through to one of the dueling venues but it seems that they were on a mission. They were joined by Alec and Kelathe but this was no double date. They searched out Aolani and then had a rather tense conversation with her. We’re starting to love this girl. It seems she’s just surrounded in drama. Neo seemed to get pretty pissed and Kelathe and Alec tried to convince him it was time to leave. Even Harris jumped in to try to talk some reason into Neo. Eventually, Neo stormed right out of the Inn. We hear that Sivanna was awfully angry at both Kelathe AND Neo. Iiiiinteresting!

We die. Crazy Train Tara was overheard trying to convince Lucky Lawyer Lucien to see a marriage counselor with her! OMG! How many of you would just LOVE to be a fly on the wall in that office??? L.L. Lucien told her that he could not because he had to go on a business trip. Not that he couldn’t because he didn’t love her, didn’t want to marry her, and didn’t want to shorten his lifespan by spending part of it with Tara but that he couldn’t because he had to go on a trip! What?!?! Tara told him that if he refused her again she’d have to duel him to the death. We hear that Lucien was unconcerned. Maybe he’s just grown deaf to having his life threatened by Tara.

Down in the Arena, Mini-Frank Cor was not the least bit happy that people kept making slave jokes about his girl, Delphi, who was present. Harris said that Anubis should let her have a new collar in a color that better represented spring and Teagan warned M-F Cor not to play with slaves because it’s just not worth it. He was promising them the moon to keep them from going on about it. Delphi didn’t say anything but was seen shooting nasty looks at Harris. Doesn’t she know that Harris is immune to nasty looks???

Maybe Harris is one step closer to having every man’s dream — sisters! He was seen spending quite a bit of time flirting it up with Kattria’s sister, Tristanie. We got word that the toad she was carrying around the night before was actually Rath’s dinner which she saved from… well, being dinner. The girls named it and then told Rath that he couldn’t eat anything with a name. Aww! Those two girls are actually growing on us. Enough so for us to warn them to STAY AWAY FROM HARRIS! You will never be the same again. Trust us on that one.

Roderick, the newest Talon of Redwin, was busy making friends Saturday night. He evidently pissed off Aya enough that she held a sword to his throat… outside the ring. You’ve got to be careful of those former/current baroness types. Their tempers are pretty unpredictable and they will cut you. We’re pretty sure none of them are all that emotionally stable. Evidently, Roderick eventually talked himself out of the situation and stuck to hitting on women — like Kalinda — who are actually interested in sleeping with him, not killing him.

There was a mini-DoD girl reunion. Our sources spotted Charlie chatting with FLAWLESS Koy at the bar late into the night. FLAWLESS Koy has been looking not so flawless these days. There’s quite a few rumors swirling about both the stability of her mental state and the health of her marriage. We have to wonder if Charlie has resurfaced because of these rumors. We have to hope that having a DoD girl in town helps Koy out some because things do NOT seem to be going well for her at all these days. And maybe it did because Koy was actually seen smiling and laughing when her husband, MAN-tastic Matt, showed up shortly after.
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Friend Maker Sunday!

Kalinda sure makes friends easily! ….we’re at a loss as to which punch line to use with that statement so just take a moment to fill in with your own. Or write us with yours and will publish it! Anyway, Kalinda was seen in the Red Dragon Inn Sunday hanging out with a young couple that has been seen in the dueling venues recently. The guy’s name is Jason and he’s seemed to take a real interest in brushing up on his skills in the ring. Not so sure what his chick’s name was but she definitely seemed more interested in some intimate time with Kalinda and her man than she did about the duels. Don’t worry. We’ll find out her name in no time. We know you all like the…. well, sexually free chicks!

Riley, Daniel, and Mindy were overheard discussing a hanami party planned for the opening of the Zen Gardens Building this coming Sunday. We hear that the building boasts a pretty lovely garden on the roof and that’s where the party will be held. We think it’ll be one of the spots to be seen Sunday night. It’s the first party of the season and you know how the citizens of this city start to go a little crazy this time of year! We’re definitely going to try to sneak in a spy or two to check out the event.

While the Inn was a little light on action, the Annex was PACKED for Fight Night!

Finally! We have someone who will speak up and tell Rowdy Rekah that she shouldn’t be with Cassius! Unfortunately for us, it seems that the person is Harris. We really might need to rethink our stance on it if the only one agreeing with us is Harris. We just can’t help it! Everything in us SCREAMS how wrong it is! He was overheard telling Rekah that Cassius was a bad influence but when she asked why, he got distracted. Ugh! Will nobody step up and end this thing???

Speaking of Harris, he’s been busy putting things into motion for his upcoming challenge against Anubis. We hear the thing is going down on Wednesday and, to be perfectly honest, if you’re not there, you’ll totally miss out. This is going to be one of those epic sort of throw downs that people will be talking about for cycles to come. We hear that Harris was convincing Taneth to wear a cheerleader outfit to the match so if nothing else that alone is worth the price of admission! We wonder how Deathlord feels about Harris yanking his “lady”. Deathlord’s not the sort that we’d want to piss off.

Collie was spotted by our sources feeding information on Rix’s newest bride-to-be to Nova and Sartan. The two guys seemed a bit perplexed by Rix’s sudden engagement but not particularly surprised. They also weren’t even bothering to take bets to see if Rix would actually get married. We have a hard time believing that he’s serious too. The whole thing is just way odd. Even Collie said that Sarah was a pretty girl but didn’t think Rix would actually marry her. What do we know about this girl??? And why would she want to marry Rix???

Uh oh. That was the reaction in the Den of Gossip when our sources reported back to us that Kalamere and Crazy Train Tara were seen with their heads together for quite a while Sunday night. Could C.T. Tara be moving in on the baroness’ territory??? We hear that their conversation was kept low and intimate. Whatever it was about we doubt it was good. If you throw together two troublemakers, you’re not likely to get anything but trouble out of the mix!
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We Die Monday!

Well, well, well. That was certainly an interesting vibe that our sources spotted between Ewan and his wife the Divine Mrs. Storm! They report back to us that the couple seemed awfully cozy and were chatting about how nice it was to have one of the Taneths stay with them for a couple of days. A couple days earlier we’d heard Taneth saying what a great time she’d had there to Lucky Lawyer Lucien. Well, it certainly seemed as if having an additional member to their household made them realize that they… well, want an additional member to their household.

Their conversation was interrupted when a watchman who was present decided that he was going to take baby Taneth to an orphanage since she had no guardians or parents present. Ewan and Storm quickly stepped in to say that Taneth had plenty of guardians. We hear that they eventually took her home with them after a round of harassing from the watchman. We have a feeling that he’s going to be in deep trouble when the Gov MAN-tastic Matt hears about it! Not only are Ewan and Storm one of the city’s more high profile couples but MAN-tastic Matt has a special place in his heart for the Taneths.

You know what the problem with cheating on your man and expecting to have a relationship with the man that you cheated with? The sort of man that will engage in such an affair is never ever trustworthy. Danny was seen hanging out in the Inn laaaate into the night flirting it up with Kendall as well as some pretty brunette. Kendall didn’t seem much interested (probably because he can put together complete sentences) but the mystery brunette definitely did. It seemed pretty hot and heavy between the pair of them. We’ll have to see where it leads!

There were fireworks a plenty in the Outback Monday night! We hear that some girl named Eleanor dared enter the Outback and try to campaign for the Governor position. FLAWLESS Koy was pretty livid but MAN-tastic Matt tried to talk her down by telling her it was neutral territory. We hear that Eleanor told Koy that she didn’t think Matt was a bad governor but that he was getting a bit “old” for the position. OMG! WE DIE! AWESOME! This girl just scored some big brownie points in our book. Not only did she walk into Matt’s building to campaign for his political position but then she called him “old” to his violent wife’s face! Balls of steel!

Rekah and Cassius were spotted together… and we hear that he was actually being rather sweet to her. We weren’t sure that Cassius was capable of such a sentiment. He was overheard by our sources congratulating her on her win and for making the Elite Eight while giving her a hug. She was evidently trying to get him to come watch her in her match against Neo which is set for Thursday night. Really, nobody should miss that match. Who isn’t intrigued by Rekah’s underdog rise through the Madness Tournament??? We didn’t think Cassius would appreciate Rekah’s silliness but he certainly seemed happy with her Monday night!

It seems that Lydia and Soerl are looking for a new place with a bit more room for his kid from his previous marriage and… a new baby??? It certainly seemed that they were discussing just that. Lydia has definitely changed over the years that we’ve been blogging in RhyDin. Maybe, just maybe, she’s ready for this journey. She certainly deserves to finally be completely happy. Our sources tell us that she definitely looked happy when talking about the new house and their life together. Good for her!
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A Doll Of A Tuesday!

What would a Tuesday night in the Red Dragon Inn be without Amber??? Like a day without the sun! We hear that Adorable Amber was indeed behind the bar Tuesday night to serve patrons. She was evidently trying to give away the massive amount of chocolate bunnies that were left over from the weekend. We’re actually not sure what’s more dangerous to pump the patrons of the Inn full of — sugar or alcohol! Well, Amber was certainly doing both!

Aolani was there to spread her debauchery. That seems to be her favorite hobby… or maybe it’s a career. We don’t know a whole heck of a lot about the woman after all and, after hearing reports about how she spends her nights, not much would surprise us. She’s got a pretty little groupie named Jenillisa who’s often in tow and was with her playing some sort of drinking game last night. There was also a girl with her named Jessica who was odd as well. But not odd in Jenillisa’s overly sexual sort of way but in the “Mice are my friends!” sort of way. We hear that Harris was among them as well but didn’t get involved in their game, saying that he couldn’t afford having a hangover at his challenge the next day.

We’re not sure if the reason that Kazzy jumps from job to job is because she can’t keep one or because none of them can keep her attention for more than a month! Either way, she was overheard talking to Lil’ Bit Lirssa about her newest gig. It seems that Kazzy is working on the local ballet theater’s newest production. Thankfully, she’s not actually dancing because nobody wants to see that. She’s evidently doing some behind the scenes grunt work. We give it three weeks!

Speaking of Lil’ Bit Lirssa, it seems that The Many Faces of Fio has totally LIED to her about why her classes are suspended. Our sources overheard Lirssa tell Kazzy that Fio says she’s on “Spring Break”. We’re telling you right now that it is NOT going to go over well when Lirssa finds out that not only has Fio suspended her lessons with Prof. Jolyon but that she lied to her about it. Those are going to be some serious fireworks. Fio is about to get one heck of a crash course in parenting!

We hear that Wulfson was spotted on Twilight Island! He’s always good for a line or two in “Overheard Around Town”! He spent the first half of the evening catching up with old friends but we hear that Xanth did tempt him into the ring later in the evening. Some of our sources are suggesting that the MANY time Archmage might be thinking about another attempt at the title at the end of the cycle. Well, he’s got a couple months to brush up on his skills! We know we’d love to see him throw down with Archmage McPretty Sivanna!

Speaking of the Archmage, we hear that Sivanna didn’t know about the multiple Taneths until last night. Seriously??? What rock does this woman live under??? We’re thinking about having our flyers delivered directly to her home every day. That’s just unacceptable!

A small crowd gathered to duke it out in the Outback Tuesday night as well! We hear that Erin was there and seen catching up with Locke and Carley. Erin was evidently impressed by the strides that both of them have taken in the duels in her absence. We have to wonder if they’ve actually surpassed her skill! Erin is looking awfully rusty these days. We’ll have to wait and see if she’s going to make the commitment to a serious comeback.

Crazy Train Tara was seen pulling in a wagon with a toddler sized doll riding in it. Yep. You read that right. Of course, she was talking to the doll, mixing the doll drinks, and generally acting like herself. Well, evidently at some point, Aya got spooked by the doll. We hear that Aya evidently accused it of moving….. and so she took her sword to it. As you can imagine, Tara was pretty beside herself. Thankfully, though, she seemed more interested in whining to Tass than destroying the Outback. Evidently Tara sent Darcy over to talk to Aya and Aya made it pretty darn clear that she has a strong policy against inanimate objects moving, talking, or sipping on Badsiders at the bar. Take note, Barbie! Stay away from the Outback!

Rumor has it that Joey showed up in the Outback after being MIA for some time. She looked a bit tired but well enough. Her friends all seemed glad to see her but nobody was more thrilled than Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan for obvious reasons. We hear that the ladies decided that they had a lot of “catching up to do” and so they left pretty early into the night. We’re just surprised that Kalamere stayed back and didn’t join them on this “catching up”.
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Challenge Happy Wednesday!

Have you all entered the poetry contest that the Post and the Den of Gossip are holding yet??? DO SO TODAY!

Also, be sure to vote in the primaries this weekend! The polls are open and we want to know who YOU want to be your governor!

The Many Faces of Fio was in fine crazy fashion Wednesday night in the Red Dragon Inn… which is to say that she wasn’t Fio at all. We hear that she was chatting away to some big scary looking guy about kittens and bendy straws and the baby in her belly. Ugh. We want this to work out. We want Fio to be a good mother. But how in the world could anybody trust her with a small child??? Having had to raise Intern Pumpkin Head since her parents were unfortunately lost to our cause, we know first hand that taking care of a newborn is seriously hard work! It takes everybody here at the Den of Gossip to work together to take care of her. We’re just not so sure that some of Fio’s personalities are up for the task. Really, Ali, what were you thinking???

Our sources tell us that the Arena was absolutely packed Wednesday night for back-to-back challenges. The first one of the night was Harris pressing challenge against Anubis for the right to the barony of Battlefield Park. We hear that Koy showed up as his lady of honor looking HAWT! It’s good to see that the girl’s back on her game! We have to wonder, however, how the Gov MAN-tastic Matt feels about his wife getting all prettied up for another man. Clearly, he’s not too upset as he served as Harris’ second for the night.

As is typical with Anubis, things couldn’t go off without a hitch. His wife, Dawn, was overheard making some comments to Pslyder that are so wrong that we can’t even post them in this blog! More importantly, Anubis had himself strapped to Harris and the pair had to fight the entire duel with knives while tied together. It definitely made for an interesting evening! Kattria, who we fall deeper and deeper in love with every day, was overheard saying that she didn’t know it was going to be a “hand-fasting”. OMG! We love a witty chick!

Unfortunately for the good of the city, Harris was not able to put Anubis in his place. Anubis won the best of three in two duels and remains the Baron of Battlefield Park. Ugh. Congratulations, Anubis… or whatever.

Wow! Slutty Pirate Girl Teagan was overheard telling Kalamere that she is thinking of asking Joey to head home with her to visit her folks. That sounds like a major step! We had no idea they were like that. We’re a little worried for Teagan’s sake. We kind of feel like Joey’s experimenting and isn’t as serious about this relationship as Teagan is. Teagan definitely has a history for falling deeper for the people that she’s sleeping with than they fall for her.

Ugh. Rekah and Dawn were seen together again! This just keeps getting worse and worse. They were chatting with one another like old friends. We hear that there was even discussion of the pair having tea with Crazy Train Tara. Really??? Really??? These are the people that Rekah is going to be allowed to hang out with. Where is her new boyfriend??? Haven’t we already made fun of Mini-Frank Cor enough for failing to tell his girlfriend to STAY AWAY FROM THE SLAVER! Cassius has been around forever! He has no excuse for not warning his girl about the more unsavory elements of the Arena. We remain seriously unhappy.

Guill seems to be on a mission to be the first duelist in history to give each and every one of the sitting barons a defense. He and Deathlord also chose Wednesday night to meet up. Slightly more than twenty-four hours beforehand, Deathlord had changed his alignment to loyal and Overlord Tical had accepted it! It was definitely a surprising move but everyone could see the writing on the wall after that! Tical did step in to intercede on behalf of his newest loyal baron. He lost by a point but it turned out that Deathlord didn’t need the intercession. He came close to a shutout but couldn’t make it happen. He did, however, take an impressive 5-1 win!

Congratulations, Deathlord! New Haven continues to be represented by one heck of a scary dude. We can’t help but laugh.

We’re a little worried still about Deathlord’s fascination with Taneth. She was present to cheer for him as well as Harris. It’s more than a little creepy, isn’t it??? Thankfully, she was distracted from Deathlord and his minions by the presence of Shy who it seems showed up to cheer on Harris. When did Harris get so many friends??? Don’t people know that he’s a world class jerk! But maybe it’s just that compared to Anubis, he’s a really nice guy.
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Bonking On A Thursday!

You know there is trouble afoot when Wolvie and Awesom Alain get together for a little chat! We hear that the pair had a pretty tense little chat at the Red Dragon Inn Thursday night. Evidently Alain is not happy with one of his employees — Silas — but we’re not exactly sure why. Now there have been a lot of rumors about the young wizard recently. He was involved in the St. Patrick’s Massacre and there are reports that he may have worsened the situation in the process of trying to help AND he’s currently running for governor. We hear that even Wolvie was surprised by the level of Alain’s anger!

We hear that Daniel saved the pretty Aliss from a feral cat outside the Inn later into the night. Reeeeaaaally??? She made him a cup of tea and was quite grateful. However, Riley doesn’t have to worry about her man, evidently, because we hear that Aliss was flirting it up with the handsome Rico. But while Aliss seems to have a thing for Rico, Rico seems to have a thing for his captain’s sister! He was shooting quite the warm smile to Ajia most of the evening as they had a couple drinks together. Was that a date??? Really??? We wonder what Aja would have to say about her employee dating her sister???

Did we not call this??? Juliane and Everett were seen chatting in a booth together for quite some time. They were not joined by anyone nor did their eyes seem to leave one another very much. In fact, they seemed pretty thrilled to be spending some time together! There’s DEFINITELY some chemistry here. Two creative personalities??? Sounds pretty magical! We’re definitely waiting on pins and needles to see where this thing heads.

After the mega challenges the night before, dueling was pretty light in the Arena Thursday night. That being said, there was an old face in the crowds that our sources were surprised to find! It seems that Red is back in the dueling venues. Red just so happens to be Rix’s ex-wife. We wonder what this is going to mean for his recent engagement. Probably nothing. We’re guessing that women don’t go back to Rix after they wise up and move on.

Kalamere didn’t give much time to Anubis for him to recover! The slaver is AGAIN under challenge for Battlefield Park. This time it’s from the legendary former baron and overlord. Kalamere and Harris were overheard chatting about it Thursday night as the pair got a duel in. It seems it will be Kalamere’s first challenge in THIRTEEN years! Now that is a serious comeback. We don’t know anybody who isn’t already looking forward to it!

It seems we were dead wrong about Joey! She was overheard declaring her love for Teagan Thursday night. Evidently, Teagan never returned the words to Joey. It seems we may have gotten the situation a little backwards. Maybe it’s Joey that’s fallen deep and Teagan who really isn’t all that interested. After all, Teagan’s the one that’s been sleeping with Kalamere. Joey was overheard saying she hadn’t been with anyone else in months. We wonder how she’s going to feel when she hears that Teagan’s been bonking the former overlord in her absence!!!
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Damaged Girl Friday!

Evidently Mr. Howe and Mr. Dewey were seen entering the Red Dragon Inn together Friday night. Rumor has it that nothing ever good happens when the pair are together. We hear that Icer in the very least didn’t seem pleased to see them and seemed to make a point of showing off her nasty set of teeth to the pair. They seemed to be paying a good deal of attention to the child version of Taneth who was playing with a doll. We have a feeling Lucky Lawyer Lucien is NOT going to be happy when he hears about their interest in Taneth.

We are not at all surprised that Darien was seen hitting on a girl at the bar. His dame of choice was that new girl, Alice, and he seemed to be laying it on pretty thick. The great thing about Darien showing playing with girls’ emotions like a cat toys with a mouse before it eats it is that we learn more about them. It turns out that Alice is a former slave. He kept questioning her but it seems that Alice is one of those rare damaged girls who WON’T drop their whole life story within ten minutes of meeting them. Very rare. In fact, she was quick to change the subject with the help of Crazy Train Tara. Darien returned to laying down his “charm” on Collie while Alice wrote a note to Panther for Tara in some book Tara keeps of all the bad stuff that happens in the Inn when Panther is away. We wonder if she keeps track of all the bad stuff that she herself does in the Inn as well!

Maeve and Ethan looked awfully cute together. We hear that they were seen having a quiet date night together over coffee. We really want to continue to hate him but he’s really seemed to clean up his act. The pair have been together for quite a while since “the incident” and Maeve seems perfectly happy. In fact, we hear that she was quite affectionate with Ethan and that he got quite flustered by her attention. We hear that they made quite the quick exit! Cute!

OMG! Sinjin Fai was seen in the Inn! No lie! Well, maybe it is a little lie. According to our sources he was never actually seen IN the Inn but he was seen ON the porch! That’s got to be a step in the right direction, right??? We’d love to know what trouble he’s up to. Our sources couldn’t get any details but he was seen having a heavy and intimate chat with Awful Ali for some time on the porch. We’re betting that right now Ali really needed someone to talk to. He’s got to have a lot on his mind!

What had to be the most understated challenge of the year went down in the Annex early Friday night. Seriously, there was absolutely no drama connected to it. Where is the fun in that??? We need trash talking! Or a gimmick! Or a longtime rivalry! Give us something, kids! Anyway, the Baron Neo met his warlord challenger, Soerl, for the right to the Dockside barony. Neo’s hot mess of a squire/girlfriend, Kelathe, stood as his second and lady of honor. Soerl’s wife, Lydia was his lady of honor. It was a best of three. Soerl won. He went loyal to Tical which makes no sense. Let’s pick off a loyal to… go loyal? Nothing else of interest to note.

Congratulations, Soerl!

Sarah seemed on the defensive Friday night about her “engagement” to Rix. Misty and Sivanna were overheard questioning the speedy relationship and Sarah mentioned that they hadn’t set a date yet for the wedding. And you won’t, sweetheart, but keep dreaming. Sarah also mentioned that she thinks that the reason that nobody knew about their relationship is because they are taking things at their own pace. Heh. That’s pretty funny. He’s STILL yet to introduce her to ANY of his friends. Our bet remains that this is just another girl in a long line of them!
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Adopt Me Saturday!

So things at the Red Dragon Inn were progressing in a pretty typical sort of pattern early Saturday night. Riley and Dean seemed to be having a pretty inappropriate conversation interaction considering that they’re both taken. Alain had some sort of terse stare down with Howe. Fia and Fio were seen catching up as evidently Fia’s been out of town for a while. Same old, same old, right?

Well, that’s the point where things started to go terribly wrong. Our sources are a little sketchy on the details since they were busy, you know, ducking for their lives! However, from what we can gather, a couple people totally started shooting up the Inn. And, big shock, Alain and Wolvie seemed to be returning fire. We hear that Lang jumped in when it looked like Alain wasn’t going to make it out alive. Even some cat version of Riley was involved. However, her involvement with Alain is sketchy at best. No idea why she’d jump in to try to help him but we’re definitely looking into it. Anyway, the bad guys were killed and the good guys made jokes while tending to their wounds. Just another night in RhyDin!

Panther is NOT going to be happy, though!

Fio and John had some sort of odd interaction late into the night. Our sources tell us it looks like Fio’s getting worse. She evidently was talking to someone that wasn’t there who had a message for John. Now she has imaginary friends??? This woman already claims to be someone’s mother and is pregnant with a baby! Ugh! John seemed pretty freaked out and not the least bit amused by the whole thing. We can’t blame him. Fio is making us so sad.

MAN-tastic Matt was spotted in the Arena trying to get out the dueling vote! We hear that he made a point to stop by the Minx girls and chat with them. Oh, I’m sure he did! What a sacrifice he had to make??? I can’t imagine having to surround myself with three beautiful women and lure them in with a charm! What an awful life Matt leads! There’s evidently a new Minx girl to add to the bunch, by the way. Gwen Minx. She’s evidently a cousin. Cute! Anyway, Cor was calling at the time and made sure to counter with his own campaign messages. Although, while Matt was trying to get them to vote for him, Cor was talking about having all three — Gwen, Tristanie, and Kattria — sleep with him. Classy. And we’ll be that his new girlfriend will thinks so too!

It seemed that the only action that Cor was getting though was from Granny who escaped from the Old Duelers’ Home. We hear that she really had a thing for him and was even seen in his lap. Well, I guess that taste doesn’t improve with age. Kattria got into a ring with Granny which is really just… wrong. Evidently, to make matters worse, she ended the match with a slash and killed Granny… or at least so it seemed. The orderlies from the Old Duelers’ Home carried her and her walker off. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Lirssa and Taneth were seen hanging out with Lydia for quite a while Saturday night. In fact, the ladies were overheard making plans for baby Taneth to sleepover one night with Lydia and Soerl to spend some time with Soerl’s daughter. That’ll probably be really good for baby Taneth. We’re surprised she’s lasted so long without getting into some serious troubles. Although, we could say that about all the Taneths, including the original one! It seems we were right about Lydia not being pregnant. Instead, our sources claim that she was discussing adoption at length with Lirssa. How fantastic! This makes us love Lydia even more!

Kalamere might just be in luck! Although, one of his baronesses and regular bonk buddies, Teagan, does seem to be entering into something of a relationship with Joey, there did seem to be hints that he might not be cut off completely. In fact, we hear that both girls were flirting with him Saturday night. Serious score there! Kalamere is just blessed by life. It must be a hard life to be the hottest playboy in the Arena!
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Mated Sunday!

There was a light crowd in the Red Dragon Inn Sunday hanging out and chatting. Fury is alive and relatively well, it seems. Evidently a bullet to the head isn’t enough to keep that girl down. She was catching up with Fio and Fio made a point of introducing Fury and Cor to her new BFF, Kate. We hear that she called Kate an old “business associate” of Ali’s. Yep, we’re sure that’s what he called their relationship but we’re not buying it! Not for ooooone second! Lirssa and Bekah were also spotted later into the night. All in all, the girls had a relatively quiet night. At least quiet by their standards which means that Lucky Lawyer Lucien and Awful Ali will not have to spend the rest of the week cleaning up new messes.

Down in the Annex, the fourth round of Madness dueling was wrapping up. Maria showed up with both Ria and Myria in tow. Neither looked too terribly thrilled that their sister-in-law/sister was fighting mere days after awaking from some sort of coma. Despite beating Aya to move on, our sources tell us she looked bad enough afterward to draw concern from Kalamere, Teagan, and Tass. She stayed on her feet at least long enough to exit the building escorted again by both Ria and Myria. It seems that whatever it is that is happening or has happened, the Grazianos are closing ranks.

At the very same time, Sylus and Anubis were facing off for another division championship in the Madness Tournament. Evidently Crazy Train Tara was present to root on her man and was overheard by our sources calling Anpu’s opponent “Sylus the Virus”! Love it! She was evidently pretty worried that Anubis would catch some sort of communicable disease from Sylus. We don’t think communicable diseases scare Anubis. After all, have you met his wife???

The minions and others competing in Deathlord’s squire tournament cornered Taneth to try to get her “favor” which will give them bonus points. The quest for Taneth’s favor broke down into an insult match between the head Minion and Kattria. It seems that the head Minion takes offense to, well, a living being serving as squire to Deathlord. We hear that the bickering got pretty heated. We’re not entirely sure what Kattria even wants to be Deathlord’s squire. She seems like the type, though, to do something like that just to irritate Deathlord and his minions.

Teagan and Kalamere have gotten close awfully fast! It’s too bad that Teagan’s not capable of actual, functioning relationships because there’s definitely a good vibe between the pair. Not only do they clearly have chemistry but they seem to have a lot of heart-to-heart chats. We hear that they were having one of those Sunday night as they watched Teagan’s girlfriend, Joey, get a duel in. In fact, our sources claim that the conversation was in fact about Joey! It’s only a matter of time before Kalamere has one of the best nights of his life with those two young ladies! …And we do use the term “ladies” loosely.

Our sources claim that Roran was spotted in a pretty rough and tumble fight in the rings with Roderick laaate into the night. Evidently in the middle of the match Roran said something about how he was lucky that his “mate” was talented with ice to apply to his bruises. Mate??? Did we miss something??? That seems a bit speedy, doesn’t it??? We know that he and Ms. Wyh Not have been getting along fabulously but…. mate??? That word could mean a lot of things so we’re going to try to not jump to any conclusions. What do you think???
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Zen Gardens Hanami

We hearing a lot about the party to celebrate cherry blossoms and the opening of the Zen Gardens building that went down Sunday night. Evidently there were three tables full of food and the roof gardens were absolutely gorgeous and completely decked out for the event. Paper lanterns were strung between trees setting quite the romantic mood and a DJ spun records late into the night. A lot of fun was had by all!

Bee and Allan seem to be getting along swimmingly! And that girl looks pretty hot when she’s all dressed up! Niiiice score, Allan! Our sources tell us that it was DEFINITELY a date. They were seen entering together and he didn’t seem to be very willing to let go of her hand. They were seen chatting with Mack and Danny who have also seem to have hit couple status. For some reason, they’re not NEARLY as cute as Bee and Allan. Perhaps that’s because Mack cheated on her man to get with Danny. That’s just never a good way to start a relationship.

Darcy was there in a skimpy dress, of course, because what is a high profile party in RhyDin without a barely clad jello girl. They make my head hurt. Our sources evidently lost count as to the number of shots she did. Ugh. Anyway, we hear that she was chatting with a young woman named Mataya who lives in the building. Very pretty woman. And probably a little too classy to have anything in common with Darcy. From what our sources overheard, she was an actress in her home world and now runs a yoga studio in the Zen Gardens building. We’re definitely going to keep our eye out for that one!

Riley was there, of course, hosting the party. We hear that she did quite a decent job of making sure that her guests were comfortable. We’re actually a little surprised that she had it in her. She seems a bit… or more than a bit flaky to us! Daniel seemed awfully proud of her. Our sources say that he was overheard saying that he couldn’t have anything but a fantastic time with the gorgeous date that he had. How adorable is that!

As usual, Eva looked understated but gorgeous in a simple silver dress. And she had her best accessory with her — Mason. It’s too bad he’s not mute. He’s so pretty and then he always has to ruin it by going and opening his mouth. Anyway, he seemed to be on his best behavior Sunday night. The pair drank sake and munched on the excellent food. They definitely seemed to be having a quiet and intimate date night.

Collie was there for a while on her own sampling the food and enjoying the music before Darien showed up. Really, we’re not all that surprised. Doesn’t Darien strike you as the type that would show up an hour late to a date??? Actually, what’s more surprising is that he showed up at all. We have a feeling that he’s left more than one woman waiting in his lifetime while he went out with a hotter one or had drinks with the boys. We hear that they twirled about the dance floor for a bit before leaving together.
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High Chance of Ice Monday!

OMG! The Den of Gossip is totally buzzing with the news! Have you heard??? It seems that Issy and Trixie were seen back in the Red Dragon Inn Monday night! NO LIE! Could this mean that the Scath girls are back??? We soooo hope so! We hear that Issy had a run in with Baby Taneth and was more than a little confused by the whole thing. We sure hope somebody fills her in. However, that’ll probably leave her even more confused. We know that the more we hear the more confused we become.

Anyway, welcome home, Issy!

Crazy Train Tara was busy trying to get Horam in bed with her. Horam didn’t seem all that intrigued by the idea. In fact, the pair seem to have some history because Horam seemed to downright dislike Tara. He wasn’t the only one displeased with Tara. It seems that some girl named Vex wasn’t too happy either because Tara had left her cattle prod lying about and someone had decided to use it on Vex. As usual, Tara was clueless to other people’s emotions.

We hear that Tara’s friend, Alice, went a little crazy later into the evening. She was seen batting at something invisible in front of her face and knocked over quite a few bottles of liquor! We bet Panther finds a way of making sure those get on her tab! Evidently she was seen bleeding and screaming by the time her whole little fit was over… And then she just walked out. We always knew there was something a little strange about that girl.

Well, Jade is alive and she’s back and she’s human. But other than that she’s the same old TRASH-tastic Jade. Our sources did say that she was overheard saying that she doesn’t drink much (HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA) and then proceeded to drink enough to kill a small horse. Evidently she’s been staying out of the Inn as of late because she’s been busy spending time with her husband and daughter. She was seen catching up with a bunch of her friends, including Icer and Duci, who seemed absolutely thrilled to see her. As usual, Jade was up to trouble. Our sources say that she was trying to get some guy named Chris to kiss Duci. It seems that Chris did appear interested in Duci but, you know, wanted to actually get to know her. We sure hope Jade didn’t ruin Duci’s chances with this guy because she seemed to be digging him as much as he was digging her.

Anyway, at some point in the night Jade broke into tears and started accusing people of poisoning her. It seems that the human version of Jade is a really annoying drunk. Thankfully, her BFF Rhy had taken a night off from Mommy duties… or at least was doing some mommying of a different sort. She showed up to calm Jade down and escort her back home.

Zev and Lilli were seen having a quiet night together. The pair had some drinks by the hearth and their conversation was quiet and intimate. Definitely seems like the pair of them are still going strong! They’ve been together now for a good couple of months. Things certainly seem like they’re getting serious! We’d never have thought that the pair would make a good match but definitely seems like we were wrong!

Daniel was seen chatting with Mindy about the party the night before. Mindy made mention of how good he and Riley look as a couple. We hear that Daniel was awfully pleased with the compliment. It seems that he’s falling pretty hard for her. Eh. We’re not totally thrilled with Riley. We think Daniel can do better but… whatever. Evidently Mindy met a man at the party that she is interested in but Daniel does NOT seem to like him one bit. We don’t have any details but we’re certainly going to look into it! Riley showed up a little later on and (prepare yourself for this one, guys) she and Mindy we talking about having a girls’ only sleepover. How many guys would love to try to sneak into that???

Down in the Outback, the news that dominated the night was some serious issues between Sartan and several women. In the middle of Sartan telling Harris how odd he found this whole rushed marriage thing between Sarah (who he mentioned he has still not met) and his friend Rix, Joey evidently took offense to him making fun of her newly minted girlfriend, Teagan. It led to Teagan and Sartan exchanging words and eventually afer being egged on for some time by Joey, Teagan threw a punch. It hardly just remained between the two of them. When Teagan made an insulting remark about Sartan’s wife, Collie jumped in to tell her to knock it off. Our sources tell us after putting the whole thing into motion, Joey did eventually lead Teagan away from the confrontation.

Sartan’s night got no better from there, though. Wyh confronted him about some of the rude things that he said to Teagan which led to Sartan accusing Wyh of trying to STEAL Icedancer. If you remember correctly, Wyh called the match in which Sartan won Icedancer and after holding Icedancer during the match was none to pleased about having to turn it over to Sartan at the end. Sartan was overheard saying that she didn’t really care about Teagan and was just using it as an excuse to make a play at Icedancer. Wyh actually ATTACKED Sartan with ice but Icedancer blocked the attack.

At that point, MAN-tastic Matt very wisely threw them out of the Outback. He’s had his building destroyed by fire more than once. Nobody wants to see what an ice show down would do to it! A crazy night! That’s for sure!

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