Mudball Fight

Tales of S'jira and others from the barbaric lands of Llothgar and beyond.

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Mudball Fight

Post by Sjira »

(Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:40 pm)

When the dark dreams came, there were days that followed that she did not feel like herself. She was drained; weary and worn. But there was always something to work and to help with. These allowed her to keep moving and find the tiniest of things to lift her spirits.

It was her way to be uplifted, even a little, by the smallest of things. One of them had happened that very day...on her way from the docks to the marketplace. The rains had left, but the puddles were everywhere... especially where there were kettle-sized holes in the roads. Carts were not usually what she watched for after such a rain. Most of the carts moved slower through the area with the winding roads that were very tight in their breadth while others were wide enough to have four carts pass one another and never risk wheels hitting.

She had been hurrying along and went to veer around one of them, remembering it from earlier, only to have a riding on one of the steel horses that had no legs but stranger, two wheels race past her at such a speed that all of the water and mud from it flew in s'jira's direction.

Altogether, it was a comical sight. Had any known her -- or not -- the briefest glance would have the onlooker thinking that were looking at a child that had been playing in a mud puddle. Short, slim, and in the dull brown dress she often wore to work in when at the docks, she even might have looked like one of the street urchins. Mud and water dripped from her hair and face was mottled with the muck of it.

A breath sputtered out and a hand stole over her face, trying to rid it of some of the water and grime. Perhaps she looked too much like one of those urchins, for suddenly, a mudball -- quite the opposite of a snowball, but just as effective -- was lobbed at her.

S'jira let out an eep of a sound and scattered a startled, curious look to the find a few children there. Laughing at first. Then aghast that it wasn't another kid they had thrown the mud at to start that playful fight. Where the moment could have gone very wrong, the small Llothgarian woman shifted the slingsack of fruit and more so that it rested against her back, then she eased down into a brief crouch. From the mud puddle that had left her dripping and dirty, she very slowly looked as if she might be trying hard to gather up some water to wash off some of the disaster. But instead, she sunk her little hand into water further and found what she'd hoped for: mud!

A good fistful of it -- still small since hands could not really hold all the much -- and she was armed. She swiftly sent it flying at the children. Shocked as they were pelted with the soft muck of the mud, then squealed to start that mud fight.

It lasted a while and all were ridiculous by the end of it all..and laughing. Surely it was a good start for anyone's evening!
ڿڰۣ-ڰۣ ڿڰۣ-ڰۣ ڿڰۣ-ڰۣ

Much can be said without saying a word.

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