Resistance Homefront

Sometimes, the dance called life is graceful. Sometimes, you step on a toe or fall flat on your face.

Moderators: PrlUnicorn, Mairead Harker, Eregor

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Resistance Homefront

Post by PrlUnicorn »

((Originally posted 06 Mar 2020 06:00 in Resistance Homefront in the Governor's Office))

((The following series of posts is written in cooperation with the players of Dennis Harker, Doran Ilnaren, and Sylva. Some of it is based on live play. Riverview Clinic is used with the permission of its creator, the player of Maranya Valkonan.))

Part 1 of ?

5 Mar 2020 - Early Evening - MacLeod House

It had been raining on and off all day which meant Abby and Madison had to occupy themselves indoors. Colleen had just finished cleaning up the dinner dishes when the phone in her office rang. It was her personal line and not the one for farm business.

“Colleen, here,” she said as she lifted the receiver to her ear.

“Colleen, this is Dr. Ridgeway at Old Market Urgent Care. I have a maternity case here that needs your expertise.”

She paused for a moment to grab a notepad before speaking again. “Go on.”

“Primigravida, nulliparous, seventeen years old.”

“How is she progressin’ in her labor?” She absently fiddled with the pen on the blotter as she jotted down a few notes..

“Labor is going well. Slowly, as one might expect with a first timer. That’s not my primary concern. It’s her mental state that prompted me to call.” Voices could be heard in the background as Dr. Ridgeway explained further. “I suggested that she be taken to one of the larger facilities where she’d be more comfortable. Once she was inside, however, she refused to even consider going back out.”

She muttered a few curses under her breath. “It’s something to do with that flippin’ Blackguard, isn’t it?”

“Yes, she’s afraid they might try to steal the child once it’s born.”

“Oh fer the love o’...” It was bad enough those goons were running roughshod over the district’s business owners, but enough was enough. “I’ll be there. My usual doula is performin’ wit’ the Shanachie this week, so I need ta bring a pinch hitter. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

“I’ll see you when you get here.”

One call ended and a second began.

“Harker Residence, Catie speaking.”

“Catie, darlin’, is yer sister home?”

“MMm… yeah, we’re getting dinner ready. Hold on!” There was the sound of scampering feet and Catie bellowing, “MAGGIE! Gran’s on the line!”

It wasn’t Maggie that picked up, it was Rhiannon. “Hello, Mother.”

“Rhi? What’s wrong?” Colleen knew that edge in her daughter’s voice.

“Maggie’s still bruised up from that tangle with the gargoyles that came after Mallory and Izumi.” A couple of heartbeats passed. “What adventure did you plan to take her on?”

“Pearl’s dancin’ this weekend ‘n’ there's a maternity case I need some help on. Moral support. The mother’s a terrified teen.”

Flashes of her own experience as a first time mother came to mind. “I won’t stop her if she wants to go, but try to stay clear of the Blackguard. Mercenaries don’t always follow the orders of their employer. Harris is apparently off his rocker, so, who knows what he’s told them has his seal of approval.”

“Or what they might do that doesn’t?” It was a thought given voice by Colleen.

“You aren’t thinking about testing that theory, are you, Mom?”

“Not today,” she said firmly. “ Right now, I have a laborin’ mother ta think about.”

“I’ll get Maggie over to Urgent Care if she says yes.” Rhiannon was certain her daughter’s answer wasn’t going to be no. This would be a first for her, Maggie had never assisted in the birthing of a person.

When Collie arrived at the West Side Urgent Care, she took note of a several of the Blackguard patrolling the streets. They didn’t seem interested in one woman carrying two heavy bags, but it was still early. Their curfew had not gone into effect, yet. She wasn’t looking to pick a fight, but they started up with her, all bets were off.

Harkers’ Island

Rhiannon had already put her two coppers in. As Maggie chatted over the commlink with her grandmother, she gathered up a few things to take with her. Favorite books, calming scents, a few cuddly toys, and some suckers in various flavors were packed into a wheeled carry on bag. She took time to enjoy dinner with the family before tugging on her favorite blue parka. “I’m ready!” She paused a moment to scroll through her contact list and stopped on Doran’s name.

There were days when Dennis Harker felt the weight of his forty-four years. This was one of them. He turned to his eldest child and studied her as if he might never see her again.

"I won't lie and say that I'm not worried about you. I know you can handle yourself, Maggiebug," Dennis stated, reverting to his childhood nickname for Maggie. "I also know that neither you nor Collie will take any unnecessary risks." His hand rumpled his dark brown hair with a few flecks of white at the temples in his usual nervous gesture. “Still… I don’t want you traveling alone in all of this. Especially after the other night. I trust that ruddy git Harris about as far as I can throw Himself. Less.” He sighed deeply. “Take Doran with you. If things go even more arse over tincup, use your armor and get the hell out of there.”

Dennis reached out to give Maggie a hug and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Promise me that, Mairead.” His serious tone plus the use of her given first name reflected his genuine worry for his eldest child.

Maggie nodded and, after hugging her father back, held out her commlink to show him that she was thinking along similar lines, but not exactly the same reasons. She had already called up Doran’s name. “One step ahead of you there, Da. I figure we can both be of help and then get the mother and baby over to Riverview. Doc Anya can make sure they’re both safe.” A frown that made her look far older than her thirteen years came to her face. “I can’t just do nothing. It’s not how you and Mama raised me.” She zipped up her parka. “I’ll ask him to meet me in Dragon’s Gate at the Observatory, we can take the portal from there.” Before putting on her mittens, she squeezed her father’s hands. “Uncle Heph tweaked the armor so it’s passive, it turns itself on when I need it.”

Dennis breathed a sigh of relief. “Fair enough. We’ll have pizza waiting for you when you get home. I’ll try to keep Bertie out of it.” He managed a shadow of his usual grin for his daughter.

“I’ll call when I’m on my way back!” Her dark brows furrowed. “You know, it’s funny. Harris told Aunt Rhi that he accepted me as a Loyal Baron so he could protect me. It’s …” a moment or two passed as she searched her mind for the right word, “ironic that he’s the one people need to be protected from, now, isn’t it?”

“Too right, Maggiebug. Aight. The sooner you go, the sooner you get back.” He barely resisted the urge to turn the air indigo blue with the curses that he wanted to let fly regarding Harris and the insanity the man currently was involved with. Time enough for that venting once his eldest daughter was safely out of hearing range.

“Love you, Da!”

“Love you more, Maggiebug!”

Maggie waved and headed to meet the ferry. Once she was safely onboard, she would start her call to Doran. There had been a breakdown in the communications network, so, she took another route … leg work to Stardreamer Manor then the Arena. When Maggie departed the Arena it was with Doran and Sylva.
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by PrlUnicorn »

((Originally posted by Mairead Harker » 06 Mar 2020 06:20))

Part 2 of ?

Meanwhile at Old Market - Urgent Care

Colleen had settled in with her patient and was doing all facets of the job as she waited on the others.

“You think they will take …” The words trailed off as another wave of pain overtook the laboring mother.

“Take what, Lia?” The midwife rested her hands on either side of the woman’s heavy belly.

“My baby!” she snapped.

“No one is takin’ that bairn unless it’s a staffer ta make sure vitals ‘n’ all are good.” Before Lia could raise objections Collie held up one hand and spoke in that brook no nonsense tone that was often used on her children. “First, yer goin’ ta work on gettin’ that child out o’ yer body. Once that’s done, health checks will be done. When yer both clear, we’ll get ta Riverview Clinic in Dragon’s Gate.”

“But I live here!” Anger rumbled in her voice.

“Movin’ ya there puts ya out o’ Old Market ‘n’ away from the Blackguard. It’d be a cold day in hell afore Maranya Valkonan allows anyone ta separate an unwillin’ mother from her babe.”

“Who is that?”

“Anya’s Chief o’ Staff at Riverview. She’ll see yer both safe until things calm down.”

When the young people arrived, they were directed to the shelter and surgery level of the Urgent Care center where Colleen was tending a tired and grumbling young woman. "Breathe, lass, it's not called labor fer nothin'. It's hard work." Collie mopped the woman's forehead with a damp cloth.

Maggie went into the labor room and left her bag before washing up. "This is a new adventure! I hope it's a good one!"

Doran held back a moment, taking Sylva's hands in his and leaning forward to gently touch his forehead to hers. "Thank you for coming." With a warm smile, he released her hands and moved to follow Maggie into the labor room. The anxiety and stress rolling off of her hit him like a sledgehammer, but he shook it off and went to stand behind her. "Hi," he said to the mother-to-be. "I'm Doran. Don't worry, we're here to help."

"I'm Lia." She huffed and puffed like a steam engine. "I'm just glad to not be alone for this."

Sylva was a little confused by Doran but gave him a smile. "Uh huh. I'll out here.." Playing guard duty like a wanna be pro. She watched him go after Maggie and for a moment her shoulders slumped. Idle hands rubbed on her hips and shoved down into her pockets soon after.

"Sylva?" Collie called after her. "There's a small kitchen in the staff area around the corner. Can ya make tea?"

"You're not alone." As he spoke, Doran used his empathic gifts to gently touch Lia's frazzled psyche; in his mind, he pictured a cool, soothing mist that eased away outward concerns.

Sylva nearly jumped out of her own skin. "Y-Yes ma'am!" She'd go off to the kitchen area to make tea. Not just one cup, mind you. It was more like several!

Collie was in the catcher's position to check on how things were progressing. "Won't be much longer, I'm thinkin'."

Meanwhile, Maggie had given Lia a soft blanket to snuggle with as Doran worked his magic to calm her. "The baby is ..." Maggie's brows furrowed in consternation, "trying to sing?"

Collie smiled gently as Sylva busied herself with the tea that would be needed as a refresher once the young one put in an appearance.

"Yes, she is." Though his eyes were closed, Doran smiled as he replied to Maggie, then he looked down at Lia. "You have a name picked out?"

Lia shook her head. "No, not yet. I thought, maybe, I should meet ... her" he had said she, "first."

"That works. Her name will pop into your head when you hold her, I'm sure."

Sylva may have made more than needed but at least if someone was really thirsty, they were covered. To keep the cups warm, she turned the saucers over each cup until they were needed. It was at least something to do to feel a little useful.

Lia went back to doing the pant, puff, and blow thing Colleen had taught her. "She was right." Her attention focused on Doran for the moment. "It is very hard work."

One hand wrapped around Lia's wrist, Colleen was noting the time as she took the younger woman's pulse. Gathering up the sheet near her patient's legs, Colleen has freshly washed hands at the ready. "Well, whatever names she wants, she's ready ta meet the world." Lia's baby arrived, wide eyed and breathing, but not wailing.

Feeling a wash of relief and outpouring love, Doran reeled where he stood for a moment before looking at the babe in Collie's arms. "So small.... so adorable."

Colleen didn't swat the little one as some might have done. She gave the little one a once over to examine her general condition, swaddled her, and carefully placed her in her mother's arms. "Indeed... tiny, but very aware." She gave Doran a warm smile. "Once they get acquainted fer a bit, I'll need ya ta reassure Mum that I'm not abscondin' wit' that wee treasure."

Maggie had been unusually quiet as she took the whole thing in. "A whole new person... and we helped her get here!"

"That we did." He looked down at the infant in Lia's arms. "We'll give you two a moment." Then he stepped away, joining Collie and Maggie, and spoke in low tones. "She was definitely worried about the Blackguard, about them taking the child. Even now, though she hides it, that fear is there. Does she have reason to be?"

Leaving mother and child alone for a while, Collie and Maggie were heading to the staff area for that tea. With Lia out of earshot, Collie said quietly, "I doubt Harris would condone stealing an infant, but ... there are stories going around about at least one child that he manhandled. It's not him I'm concerned about so much as the Blackguard. Hired mercenaries have been known to go rogue from their employers."

Hearing people coming Sylva silently turned over the saucers and placed them under the cups before picking them up to hand them up as whoever came close could grab one. Her brows dipped faintly as she listened but didn't nose in.

"Thank ya, Sylva!" She took one of the teacups and stirred in some sugar. A glance to her watch reminded her that it was now after the posted curfew. "We might have trouble getting out o' here wit'out the Blackguard noticin'."

Maggie also took a cup of tea. "We need a plan, don't we?" She looked between the others.

Collie chuckled. "A chopper on the roof is a no go. They'd see it fer sure!"

She was out of the loop in this but the question just kinda slipped out, "Why would they come after her and her child? Is that normal for these Blackguards to do?"

"It's not normal for troopers to be running about Old Market like they own it, but they are." Maggie scowled like an angry old lady. She had that get off my lawn face going.

Sylva’s head tilted as she watched what is likely to be the face Maggie will wear when she is much older. "So they would do it just to cause trouble?"

"The whole thing is to cause trouble!" Maggie muttered.

"Harris' support has given them the slightest semblance of legitimacy, and villains like that will take advantage of such opportunities," Doran added.

"Unfortunately, those that don't know better are also lending credence to those actions." Collie sighed as she shook her head. While many have stepped up, more need to."

"Hmm." Sylva’s arms folded as she tilted her head. "Can't we just use the portal that got us here? Someone can go on ahead while someone else guides her with others support." Then again, that probably wasn't where they wanted to go.

"I can open one, yes, but not all of us can go at once." The weight of her years seemed to have fallen on Collie's shoulders all at time. "Sylva ... do ya know Riverview Clinic in Dragon's Gate at all?"

She blinked to Collie. "I know where it is." She nodded a few times. Made her nervous but she knew about it! "I think I have only been in a few times though and just inside the door to drop stuff off."

"I haven't seen ya in action in a fight, lass, but I know ya have a good head on yer shoulders. Will ya be alright seein' mother 'n' child through a direct portal? I can let Anya know ta have someone waitin' on all o' ya." Collie finished off her tea. "If the Blackguard shows up, we can make sure yer all through safely."

"Definitely," said Doran.

"I can fight but, yes, I can do she in any condition to move? Do I need to carry them?" The details were meant to give Sylva an idea of what she was to do. She may already be planning.
"Lia came through fine." She turned to Maggie. "There's a snack in the fridge can ya take it in fer Lia, please?" As Maggie took the snack and drink to the new mother, Colleen continued, "We can put 'em in a wheelchair if need be."

"If need be, but I think Lia's strong enough to r-" Then he cut himself off, glancing away from the others.

She had a good idea where Doran's thoughts were headed. "Her instincts will likely ta be ta protect her daughter 'n' if runnin' is what it takes, she'll do it."

Her lips thinned a bit. She wasn't sure the stress and how drained Lia was, so she would trust them on this. "I don't know about a wheelchair," Sylva replied softly after a moment. "Wheels can get caught and it might create enough so to be noticed." She craned her head to the side. She was thinking something but was struggling with the idea or even speaking it aloud. Yeahhh. Just gunna stick with whatever they came up with.

"What would you suggest?" Doran's tone was supportive.

"Huh? Oh.." She gave Doran a faint smile. "I sounds stupid. Don't worry about me. Whatever you guys got, I will support best I can!"

When Maggie returned from settling Lia with her snack. She was rubbing her temples and frowning. "I think we have another problem. I felt a strong wave hit me like a wall in a Magic Duel."

A curious look went from Sylva to Maggie.

"I feel it too." Doran added.

Mutterings came from Collie in her native Irish. "Doran, could ya ask one of the nurses ta help Lia get showered and inta some clean clothes, please?" She turned to Sylva. "There's a linen closet in there, ta the right. " She gestured toward the staff sleeping area. "Would ya gather up some clean sheets and a couple blankets, please?" She cleared her throat. "Maggie, go keep a watch on Lia's young one while we get things kitted up."

Maggie opened her mouth to add something, but she'd seen this before, it was time for raiding a kitchen and broom closets for something usable. One of the nurses had given the baby a bath and dressed her in a onesie. Maggie started wrapping the child up to ward off the cold.

Without a word, Doran turned and headed for the nurses' station to get help in readying Lia, and then went in search of some clean clothes for the young mother.

"O-oh. Yes, ma'am." She shook her head and went off to find what Collie requested. A couple of thick blankets and some sheets were gathered in arm and she'd report back to Collie with her bulk.

"Never unarmed," Collie murmured. When Sylva returned Collie grinned. "We're goin' ta make a sturdy sling and keep that little one warm 'n' against 'er mum. That'll keep Lia's hands free if she needs 'em." Collie began to show Sylva how to fold the sheets to double layer the sling. Just see 'em safe. Stay wit' 'er 'r get ta Stardreamer 'n' tell Ebon what's goin on. Either is good."

Lia gave Doran a grateful smile when she saw him with the nurse. "Thank you." A concerned look appeared when she saw Maggie wrapping up the baby. "It's cold out, isn't it?"

"Umm.." With Maggie and Doran gone, she murmured to Collie, "If we can drape her with a blanket, I can use an illusion to make her look like a haunt. Surely they would leave her alone if they think he a ghost, right? Just enough time to get her to the portal." Like she said, it sounded stupid and she didn't want her friends to hear it. "Once I get her to the clinic I will go tell Mister Ebon so he can come help if needed." Better safe than sorry.

"Not as bad as it was last week, but yeah, it's cold." Having looked away while Lia got dressed, he now turned back and handed her a warm overcoat that would cover both her and the baby held close.

"That idea could work very well. Making her look spectral." Collie nodded. "We need ta use what we can."

Lia tugged on the overcoat, but didn't button it, yet. "Any idea how we're getting out of here?" A look to the nearest clock produced a frightened expression and a momentary frown. "I decided to call her Johara. It means one who is treasured."

Sylva nodded slowly but kind of was taken by surprise when Collie..agreed. "I am armed," so she knew. She just..rarely told people.

Maggie tugged on her parka and put her bag in the staff room to be reclaimed later. "I'm going upstairs to see if there's a patrol going by."

"Something I have told my children, Sylva, I will share with you. You are never unarmed if you keep your wits about you. Even kitchen tools can be used as weapons if need be." The words of crones were often wise.

She gave a lopsided grin. That was so true and Sylva quickly agreed with a nod. The grin faded as she looked over when she heard Maggie. "With Doran, right?" Less a question than she meant it to be.

Maggie said, "Just going to watch from the windows first."

"That's a lovely name." Nodding to Maggie, he looked over his shoulder into the staff room, then back to Lia. "Syla will guide you both out to the portal and through, back to the Observatory in Dragon's Gate, and then down to Riverview Clinic. You'll be safe there, until you can return to your home." When the girl looked stricken, he rested a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You will return home."

Lia smiled. "I hope so. Be safe is more important right now." She cast an adoring gaze on her newborn. "For her."

Maggie rarely used it, but fairy sight could be useful. The brand she'd been cursed or blessed with allowed her to see magical signatures. Her eyes closed and a pale shimmer of silver glowed as Maggie's armor activated. She swore under her breath as she realized why that magic had hit her so hard and felt so familiar. Muttering, Maggie said, "What did you do?" She was almost running when she rejoined the others. "We need out, now. I'll explain later!"

Sylva blinked over to Maggie. That was a pretty alarming statement. She looked up to Collie before picking up the sling to bring to Lia. That way Collie could be free to do things needed.

The portal was just outside the building. With Sylva's help, Lia and baby were doubly wrapped up snug and warm!

"Doran, I'm going to raise a fog to help hide them long enough to get them to it. " It wasn't just any fog Maggie was going to use, she was already muttering in Irish as she called a dragon smoke. The weatherman might not have predicted it, but a thick fog rose in the West Side of Old Market. She had uttered the words a hundred times in magical duels, this time ... there were no rules. "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha." She kept repeating the ancient Irish as the fog thickened.

Hmm. That could help if she needed to pull up the illusion spell. Mwahahaha. That was tucked in her pocket though and she looked to Lia, a soft smile given. "Hi! I'm Sylva. Don't worry, k? We will make sure you two get there safe!"

Collie was helping get Lia bundled up. "Are we all ready?"

Lia smiled to Sylva. "I'll try not to!" She headed to the ground floor.

Sylva’s lips pursed as she followed after Lia, doing her best to make sure Lia didn't see such.

"Hurry. There's a patrol coming." Doran warned.

(( "Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha" translates to "Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making." It's a version of the Charm of Making from Excalibur.))
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Re: Resistance Homefront

Post by PrlUnicorn »

((Originally posted by Mairead Harker » 09 Mar 2020 01:08))

((Just to clarify, Tass had already given permission for the temporary disruption of the portal near the Emergency Center.))

Maggie was already outside. She couldn't alter the magic Tass had laid down, but her own was active where his portal opened near the Emergency Center. Anyone coming out of that passage would be disoriented, it would buy time or encourage a retreat, and that was what they needed.

The patrol had passed the center, but how long before the next one was a crap shoot. "How many can ya feel, Doran?" Collie asked quietly as they walked out of the building.

"It's... difficult to sense anything. There's too much magic in the air, I'm sorry. There's enough to be a problem, though." He did indeed look apologetic as he glanced back to Sylva and Lia, who held baby Johara close to her. "Stay here with Collie. If she says get back inside, do it. I'll go out into the street a bit and see what I can sense. If I whistle, make for the portal, quick as you can." Getting a bit of distance from the portal would help.

Doran gave Maggie a wink as he passed, stepping out from the circle of light cast by the street lamp. He peered down the lane in the direction the patrol had gone, then looked the other way. As he looked, he reached out with his mind, seeking the unseen. Lips creased in a frown as he still couldn't pick up anything, not even the fading presence of the previous patrol. Either the magic in the air was still interfering... or the Blackguard had found a way to shield themselves.

Collie waited just outside the Urgent Care's door with the others inside as she waited for the signal from Doran.

As Maggie waited for Doran's answer ... something changed. Crouching near Tass's portal, the teen could hear garbled voices echoing as if people were preparing to come through. She used something Jacen taught her to cause a horrific stink to hang near that exit of that portal. It smelled of death and the horrors of Tartarus. More are coming and I hear armor clanks. We need to get them out now!

Taking a deep breath, he gave one last look both ways, then turned and whistled, soft but enough to be heard, before starting back towards the Urgent Care Clinic.

And then, as Doran passed back under the streetlight, a harsh voice called out. "Hey!" Spinning around, Doran swore under his breath as he spied a lone Blackguard, weapon drawn and a radio or similar device held up. "Need backup at Urgent Care!"

Collie held the door as Sylva used her talents to make Lia and Johara appear to be a shade. It was just a few steps between that door and escape for mother and child. "Go quickly, don't look back." Looking back had been the downfall of many. "We'll find ya at Ebon's place." Collie gave Sylva's shoulder a reassuring squeeze and turned to cover the rear as the young woman and her two charges made for the Center's portal.

Lia and baby Johara went through quickly with Sylva as their guardian. On the other end at Riverview, Maranya Valkonan had someone waiting to take charge of the new mother and her babe. That part of her mission completed, transport was ready for Sylva to get to Stardreamer Manor.

Breaking into a run, Doran headed for the clinic, but as he drew closer, he sensed malice ahead, and pointed to Tass' portal. "Maggie, look out! They're coming!" Then there was a sharp noise behind him, and he felt a wet pain in his leg, a leg that suddenly failed to support him.

"No, no, no," Maggie spat the words out. She didn't have time to be concerned why the Blackguard would just shoot someone for a curfew violation, it made no sense! Her armor was already active and her best friend had been shot! "Son of a ..." A few words were uttered in some ancient language and a blade appeared in her hands. "This is too much." Instinct had taken over as Maggie went to Doran's aid.

As he hit the street, falling on his injured leg, agony shot through Doran's body and he cried out. Turning back towards the guard who had shot him, and who now loomed over him with gun pointed at the approaching Maggie, the young man unleashed all of that pain and rage in an overwhelming torrent. Despite whatever protections their armor had against spells and physical weapons, that empathic assault was too much. The Blackguard simply crumpled to the ground.

Colleen put herself between the young people and the Blackguard. Two had doubled back after hearing the call for back up. Three managed to get through the mix of fog and stench before a solid wall rose at the end of Tass's portal. It was hard to say if it been the Old Man's way of protecting Maggie as he promised or if something inside the young one had snapped. That pathway was blocked for the time being.

"Gran, Doran needs help!" Her own healing abilities were equivalent to a bit past first aid. Maggie had never removed a bullet before. One wrong move and it could mean Doran's death or permanent injury.

Colleen dropped back to attend to the young man as Maggie stepped forward. Using her trusty bodice dagger, the elder cut the fabric of Doran's pants.

Winter's Twilight had become a shadow in Maggie's hand as it went through the armor of one of the Blackguard. Coming to the aid of his brethren, one was behind Maggie and shoved a knee in her back. Maggie landed hard on her right arm, the snapping of bone echoed in the quiet street.

Knife in hand, Doran cut a large piece of the fallen Blackguard's cloak, and then a longer strip. He folded the piece into a makeshift pad and pressed it hard against the wound in his leg, then held it while Collie wrapped the strip around his thigh, tight enough to compress the artery without completely cutting off bloodflow. "Heh... you must have... done this before." Looking past her, he narrowed his eyes. "Go help Maggie. I'll be there in a moment."
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